Complicated Boyfriend

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    • Complicated Boyfriend

      I have been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years now. We are planning on moving together next year.

      I have gotten a weird vibe from him lately and don't know what I should do about it. One of my family friends is quickly dying from a disease and I never know how to handle death . Today I seemed to be over reacting to a lot of things he did or said. He got very offended and couldn't understand where I was coming from. Later on the phone we talked, I cried, and he said I should learn how to deal with my emotions better.

      That's just one example. There have been other times where I just feel like I can never get him to fully understand me. I'm worried about moving in together because I feel like everything I would do would be criticized in some way.

      Sorry if this doesn't sound right but I'm still flustered and needed to vent. Thoughts?
    • Re: Complicated Boyfriend

      Does he know about your sick family member? There's no excuse for him to tell you to 'handle your emotions better' when you're under that much stress.
      [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Silver"][SIZE="2"][CENTER][SIZE="2"] Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional! [/SIZE][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
    • Re: Complicated Boyfriend

      I agree with Hannah. However, understand that you are going through a tremendous loss, and if he cant learn to relate to you in some way in that situation, then you guys will have lots of trouble when ur moved in together, making decisions and etc. Its called being a team..

      Although, i wouldnt do anything you might regret. Youve been with him for 3 years, and so i wouldnt throw your entire relationship away over this hard time your having.

      Next time he asked you to handle your emotions better, tell him that he needs to be a little more considerate of your situation.

      You need to work together in this hard time, not against eachother. If you can't realize a couple is a team, and what one person goes through affects the other, you shouldnt move in together...

      REMEMBER THIS CAN BE LEARNED!! It cant just happen overnight. TALK TO HIM!

      Best of luck :), And im sorry about your family friend :( that's terrible. Be strong :)

      The post was edited 2 times, last by xTheGreenStuffx ().