I'm just not sure.

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    • I'm just not sure.

      This will probably be pretty long and really scattered.
      I like this guy, a lot. His name's Moises, but everyone calls him Junior. He's amazing, fun, perfect in every-way and really hot. We're both 14, I'm 2 months older than him. I'm awkward, shy, nervous and just plain weird. I've never had a boyfriend, never been kissed or anything like that. He has. He's had a few girlfriends, and he's already had his first kiss. I go over to his house a lot, to play with his 9 year old sister, since we're friends. I always spend the night, but she doesn't stay up late and I do, so I always go into Moises' room and hang out with him. We usually stay up until 6AM, watching movies, playing video games, etc. But on the 8th we ended up talking, a lot. He couldn't believe I didn't have a boyfriend, he said I just seem like the type that would. He told me over and over again about how he loves cuddling and that we should cuddle. Being the awkward person I am, I said I don't know how to cuddle and I've never cuddled before. He kept saying how he's really good at cuddling.

      My feet get really cold. They don't feel cold, but are cold to the touch. He's obsessed with that. He's always touching my feet and legs. He stroked my legs because they were smooth, then the next day 'cause they were prickly. I have to admit, I did like it. He said I had amazing legs, that were really long and tan. He wouldn't stop saying how amazing they were.

      Then we moved onto cuddling. We sat in a position like spooning and watched TV. Our legs would tangle and he would have his hand under my shirt on my stomach, which was perfectly ok with me. Sometimes my hand would overlap his, and it would be a little awkward at first, but then it was nice. He'd lay his head on my shoulder and just mess with my arm. At one point he laid his head on my lap/stomach. He said I should get a belly button piercing, which I was already thinking about, he said that he'd be playing with it right now if I had one. He said that I have the perfect body, that I have curves that are perfect. He said that he didn't care if girls were really short or his height, as long as they weren't taller than him. I'm pretty short. You can imagine I was probably going crazy, right? Wrong. It was comfortable, relaxing, safe and warm. It felt like the world slowed down and everything just went out of focus, Everything was perfect. I was here, cuddling with the most wonderful boy on earth. I couldn't believe it. I could see myself like that everyday with him, being his girlfriend.

      He said that I'm his cuddle-buddy and that we could be like, friend's with benefits, so we could be friends but still cuddle and stuff.

      I don't really know what my problem is. Sure, it seems like he likes me, but what if he's like that with everyone? What if he finds out how I really am? How I'm so immature and weird.

      I had a dream that me & him were at the beach, playing in the water and all the sudden we kissed. It was a quick, meaningful kiss. and then I realized, in the dream, we were a couple. Everything in the dream was perfect, it felt so happy.

      You see, I've been a very, very lonely person for the past 4 months. I'm homeschooled so I don't get out much, I don't meet new people, especially boys. I basically just sit on my computer all day and night doing nothing. I have 2 friends that I can actually see, and one of them is his sister. The other one I see rarely, since she's always so busy.

      Whenever I'm at his house, I play with his sister all day and then hang out with him all night. During the day, he comes out of his room rarely, but when he does it's kinda awkward. Before he goes into the hallway to go to his room, he always looks at me and smiles. He's also said that I'm not like all the other girls, that I'm like one of the guys. He said he finds it awesome since I don't always want to talk about him and how I'm not obsessed about makeup or my clothes. He's also said that I'm a good friend and that I should go to the movies with him and his friends. He's really popular in school, he's into football and every girl wants him. I used to be the class clown, but now I'm more of the silent, shy girl.

      What do you guys think about all of this? Your honest opinion, please.
    • Re: I'm just not sure.

      Hi Sara, this is my own opinion, so please take it as such:

      I feel that he's showering you with compliments. And it's nice that he tells you so many nice things, but I don't want that to put you in a potentially dangerous place. He said that he sees you as a cuddle buddy, and friends with benefits, and I don't think he'd desire a relationship, in the sense that you want.
      From what you've said, he's nice, but he's also too nice.
    • Re: I'm just not sure.

      He seems really nice and seems to really like you as a friend and maybe even more. It''s good to have someone like that, but not as far as the friends with benefits since u seem to like him more than that and think/dream about you guys being in a relationship. To make sure hes not jus playing u and doesnt want to be just friends with benefits (unless u want that) try hanging out in public with friends and then maybe alone?
      Hope i helped and good luck he seems like a keeper :)
      [COLOR="Sienna"]Tale as Old as Time, [/COLOR]
      [COLOR="SandyBrown"]Song as Old as Rhyme,[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Yellow"]Beauty and the Beast[/COLOR]:lovey: