wanting out...

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    • wanting out...

      Im 18.living in a area of many influences,mostly bad. It's almost time to go back to school.The bad influences Im worried about are, my classmates asking me to go party , do drugs, drink.I wanna make friends that i could do fun activites with like we should not by doing drugs..I've done drinking(nodrugs) before ,and done it with my classmates and friends over the past 3 years.I've been doing alot of thinking over this past 4 weeks,and made up mind to stay clean and healthy.Im trying to gather my courage for the day when i go back and tell them what I choose. it's just that peer pressure can be such a pain in the arse.I freaking hate that it's so easy to say YES but to say No, takes more effort.Im considering taking online classes. becuase I obviously have no social status at school,not like status matters,just tired of certain classmates being rude to me. Im considered the weird kid. That part of myself makes me feel depressed and lonely. :/ sad thing, no one to really talk to about it to...:confused:

      -i know i have questionable grammer-
    • Re: wanting out...

      I just wrote a thread about my difficulties saying "no", and just after it found this. :confused: So i might not be the best giver of advice on this subject, but i will try my best. :D I have never had problems with friends who want me to do drugs or drink, because i hardly have any friends... :rolleyes: It is really sad to hear how many young people want to intoxicate their bodies with drugs and alcohol. I can say you have made a great decision in stopping to drink. :D I am from a finnish family, and most of my relatives drink. A lot. (Stereotype alert) finnish people drink a lot. I know all don't but way too many do. I am proud to be what i am, and not wanting to become a drunk like most of my family. :D I hope you find the courage to tell your opinion to your friends. It's really no use to just try to please other people and letting them ruin your life. I don't know what your friends are like, but if they say something like "you are an adult, you should drink" (bad example, sorry), that is NOT true. You have the right not to drink if you don't want to do it. :D I hope i was of some help, and good luck! :D
    • Re: wanting out...

      You should never consider making your life harder out of fear.
      I was in this situation but instead of choosing to be clean, my family made me through religious beliefs. So i was left out of a lot of things at school.

      But fuck it. Who cares right?
      Its your choice not to do something and if they want to do harmful things to their body then so be it.
      If they don't accept it, then they're not worth your god damn time.