Daniel Tosh's joke: Offensive or Acceptable?

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    • Daniel Tosh's joke: Offensive or Acceptable?

      As some of you may recently have heard, Daniel Tosh made a not so subtle rape "joke" at a female audience member who was heckling him. So the story goes, he was telling his normal joke about rape (that is a normal staple of his act,) when the female audience member yelled out "Rape jokes are never funny!"

      Tosh allegedly responded to the heckler by saying: "Wouldn’t it be funny if that girl got raped by like, 5 guys right now? Like right now?"

      Now clearly, this isn't a case of a threat or anything of that matter. It's simply a comedian/performer dealing with a heckling audience member. So that isn't the issue here.

      Tosh has faced a tremendous amount of criticism for this joke that he made, and people are calling for his new animated show to be pulled because it allegedly contains jokes similar to the ones he told during his act.

      My question is: is this criticism warranted?

      In my opinion, absolutely not. This woman brought this on herself. She purchased tickets to a Daniel Tosh show, a comic who is well known for telling horrifying jokes. On top of that, she took it upon herself to heckle him. Did she not expect a man like him to retaliate with his humor?


    • Re: Daniel Tosh's joke: Offensive or Acceptable?

      Oh this gives me flashbacks to when Frankie Boyle was heckled by the parents of a young boy with down's syndrome after making a joke about the condition.

      Offensive jokes are hilarious and if you don't like them then go fuck yourself.
      You're like the drug that I can't stop taking. I want more and I can't stop craving ^^
    • Re: Daniel Tosh's joke: Offensive or Acceptable?

      Criticism Warranted? Considering the woman should have known what she was getting herself into and considering Daniel didn't do anything out of his ordinary, the only criticism warranted is the general kind we all get and give not anything related to this instance.
      Was the joke offensive? Obviously. Was it acceptable? The joke itself was in bad taste but then so was the woman's choice to put herself in that position.
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    • Re: Daniel Tosh's joke: Offensive or Acceptable?

      It's comedy, it's meant to push the limits and go beyond what's considered "acceptable". I also think that people today are too easily offended and they feel as if everything should be politically correct. The very idea makes me want to vomit. People are just so self-absorbed and think that their emotions and feelings are so important that no one shall offend them and if they do then they shall suffer in some way or another. It's sickening. People have to get the fuck over themselves.

      The bottom line is: That woman was way out of line. She went to a comedy club and before walking in should have expected to get offended. If she's so goddamn sensitive then she shouldn't have attend a stand-up comedy show.
      “You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”
      ― Harlan Ellison

      The post was edited 3 times, last by gman4354 ().

    • Re: Daniel Tosh's joke: Offensive or Acceptable?

      Yeah, agreed. The joke was in bad taste, but if you're such a huge fan of one specific comedian enough to go and see his show, you should know what to expect. She just sounds like an attention seeker.
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    • Re: Daniel Tosh's joke: Offensive or Acceptable?

      its absolutely the women's fault, i personally love Daniel tosh and think he is extremely funny, Now going in to a Daniel tosh stand up show you should know that he will crack jokes that aren't appropriate to the general public, he makes jokes about things that aren't taboo anymore.
    • Re: Daniel Tosh's joke: Offensive or Acceptable?

      The problem I have with this situation is that there are so many rape and other misogynistic jokes in all forms of comedy media, but for some reason this ones making headlines. Was it tasteless, offensive, and humorless? Yes. Did he apologize? Ive only seen his tweet, which was not even close to an apology. But there are so many accounts of this story, who knows what exactly was said? And i do think the womans account claims the tickets were given to her.

      Yes, any basic background on Tosh should have told her he was offensive. But she has every reason to be upset and offended.

      Im upset that hes made pretty much no attempt to apologize. What he said was so, so offensive, and not acceptable in the slightest. But if we want to change ideas about humor and rape culture, we should start with a comedian who is actually willing to apologize and learn why he was wrong
    • Re: Daniel Tosh's joke: Offensive or Acceptable?

      The Monster Project wrote:

      The problem I have with this situation is that there are so many rape and other misogynistic jokes in all forms of comedy media, but for some reason this ones making headlines. Was it tasteless, offensive, and humorless? Yes. Did he apologize? Ive only seen his tweet, which was not even close to an apology. But there are so many accounts of this story, who knows what exactly was said? And i do think the womans account claims the tickets were given to her.

      Yes, any basic background on Tosh should have told her he was offensive. But she has every reason to be upset and offended.

      Im upset that hes made pretty much no attempt to apologize. What he said was so, so offensive, and not acceptable in the slightest. But if we want to change ideas about humor and rape culture, we should start with a comedian who is actually willing to apologize and learn why he was wrong

      You know what would be funny? If you got raped right now.