not allowed to date black guys -.-

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    • Re: not allowed to date black guys -.-

      I hate racism, it's one of the worst qualities a human can posses in my opinion. Unfortunately, when people are racist it's extremely hard to make them see the world in a non-racial way. So, I think your best bet would be to abide by your parents rules no matter how much it sucks. Sooner or later you'll move out and you can do as you please (as long as you follow the law).
      “You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”
      ― Harlan Ellison
    • Re: not allowed to date black guys -.-

      annnnna wrote:

      So, I'm talking to this guy & he's black. He's honestly the sweetest guy I have ever met. I know that if we were together, he will never hurt me. Doesn't do drugs, smoke, drink, etc. He's really polite and knows how to actually treat a girl. But the thing is, my parents despise black people. Especially my dad. He talks so much mess about them, saying a whole bunch of racist things & it reeeaally annoys me. I see nothing wrong with black people, they're human beings just like us. My parents say they don't want me to ever have a black boyfriend, which drives me crazy because I really like this guy and I want to be with him. I don't want to date this guy behind their back because I've learned my lesson about that from my previous relationship. They lost their trust in me and now, they're on my *** whenever I go out. (GPS on my phone, calling me, texting me) it's ridiculous! So if I do end up with this guy, I don't want to keep it a secret. But the thing is, I think I'm gonna have to go behind their backs to see him because I know for a fact they're not gonna accept him because he's black. I don't even think they'll give him a chance. I don't know what do. I know I can't change their minds but I reaally want to be with this guy. He makes me so happy. We're talking about getting together, so we're getting pretty serious. How can I talk to my parents about it? I'm gonna tell my mom first because she's more understanding and she'll listen to me more than my dad will. I have no idea how they'll react & I'm scared they're gonna make me not see him anymore. WHAT DO I DO? HELP.
      (btw we're both juniors, both going to a private high school but different schools

      Your parents are retarded

      Ari Gold wrote:

      Your parents are just trying to keep you safe. You should feel lucky to have such great parents.

      And so are yours. No surprise there :lol:
    • Re: not allowed to date black guys -.-

      annnnna wrote:

      So, I'm talking to this guy & he's black. He's honestly the sweetest guy I have ever met. I know that if we were together, he will never hurt me. Doesn't do drugs, smoke, drink, etc. He's really polite and knows how to actually treat a girl. But the thing is, my parents despise black people. Especially my dad. He talks so much mess about them, saying a whole bunch of racist things & it reeeaally annoys me. I see nothing wrong with black people, they're human beings just like us. My parents say they don't want me to ever have a black boyfriend, which drives me crazy because I really like this guy and I want to be with him. I don't want to date this guy behind their back because I've learned my lesson about that from my previous relationship. They lost their trust in me and now, they're on my *** whenever I go out. (GPS on my phone, calling me, texting me) it's ridiculous! So if I do end up with this guy, I don't want to keep it a secret. But the thing is, I think I'm gonna have to go behind their backs to see him because I know for a fact they're not gonna accept him because he's black. I don't even think they'll give him a chance. I don't know what do. I know I can't change their minds but I reaally want to be with this guy. He makes me so happy. We're talking about getting together, so we're getting pretty serious. How can I talk to my parents about it? I'm gonna tell my mom first because she's more understanding and she'll listen to me more than my dad will. I have no idea how they'll react & I'm scared they're gonna make me not see him anymore. WHAT DO I DO? HELP.
      (btw we're both juniors, both going to a private high school but different schools

      My parents are the exact same as yours except for me, it's black girls. I guess that knocks Nicki Minaj and Rihanna out of the picture
    • Re: not allowed to date black guys -.-

      You would think your parents would want to put their child's happiness before their old-fashioned beliefs.

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Black"]When the city sleeps, I'm wide awake.
      You know what I see? High rises. Low lifes.
      Bright lights and back alleys.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

    • Re: not allowed to date black guys -.-

      Zerk wrote:

      Seriously, stop fucking calling me sis.

      Also, I look nothing like a gorilla, and OBVIOUSLY, Jimmy's avy is a gorilla. Gorillas are black.

      That's what I mean. Don't call me sis. Nor a gorilla.

      You got a huge man forehead. As do gorillas. Yup Gorillas are black (the colour), but black people aren't gorillas. It's not even that difficult, sis.