What should I do with this girl?

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    • What should I do with this girl?

      Hi everyone, this is my first post here so I'm just getting the hang of things. I have a problem with this girl I know/like. The story is long winded but I feel if I don't tell it you guys won't understand it to the fullest. I would greatly appreciate the help. So here goes...

      The first time I "met" this girl (if that's even the right term) was briefly in 7th grade. I was at some big track meet and my job was to escort runners to their starting positions. I was escorting a group of girls when I heard a voice say, "I'm following (My first & last name)!!!". It struck me as odd because I didn't know her and had no idea how she knew my name, by I went about my business.*

      So 8th grade comes around and she ended up in one of my classes. (Didn't know her at the time), but she would always say hi to me in the hallways and stuff. While working on a project, she switched groups to be in mine, even though me and my friend didn't really work hard. (It was wood shop haha). So the year goes by and I get to know her better, and at the end of the year she asked me to go with her on a class trip to an amusement park. I said yes, so during the trip whenever she was out of earshot her friends kept asking me if I liked her and I told them yes. But her friends also kept teasing her about her boyfriend along the way. I was then confused because I wondered why her friends were asking me if I liked her while she had a boyfriend. The trip went well and 8th grade ended.*

      We lost touch over the summer but, she ended up sitting nex to me in math class freshman year. Turns out she met some Sophomore on the track team and ended up going out with him. I was happy for her and even though I liked her, I'm not the jealous type. We talked pretty much every other day, we would text each other after school for hours and just talk. She was always very flirty and happy and what not. This continued all the way through the end of Sophomore year and into the summer. She even told me how she thought I was cute, even though she was still dating the guy from the track team. So at the end of the summer she broke up with her boyfriend of two years and that's when things changed.*

      So Junior year starts and we haven't been talking much. I knew she was probably upset about breaking up with her boyfriend so I let her be for a while. She happened to be in the same gym class as me, and this is where her behavior really started to confuse me. We ended up in the same tennis unit together, and I ended up in a couple of games with her. I had caught her staring at me a couple times but I didn't really think much of it. So one day while playing a game against her, I totally whiffed when I went to serve. (It's harder then it looks haha) I then heard her laugh from across the court like she thought it was cute. I did it again a couple times with the same response from her. I hadn't seen her do that with any of the other guys I played with. She seemed like she was in a good mood so I tried texting her later, I got no response. Ahh whatever I thought, maybe she's busy.

      So the tennis unit ended and the year continued on, I would try to text her about once a month and she still wouldn't answer. So Christmas break came around and I sent her a message on FB wishing her a happy break and asking her if she was mad at me or something because we don't really talk anymore. She told me that she was just really busy. I thought I was kind of odd because she always made time for me before but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. So I asked her if she would like to catch up sometime. I got no response. This is where I began to think that there was more to this then her just being busy but I tried to push it to the back of my mind.*

      So a couple more months pass by with no contact whatsoever , but in gym class we got the option to walk the indoor track during class. Being lazy me and two of my friends decided to do it. I noticed that her and some of her friends decided to do so also. So we walked the track for the entire class period, and this is where I began to get even more confused. I would constantly catch her staring at me, it was ridiculous. I kept asking my self, why does she keep staring at me but not answer when I text her. I even caught her looking at me once and she smiled before she turned away. This continued until the end of the year.*

      I sent her a message on FB saying that I hoped we could be friends again and that I cared about her. No response, big surprise... I thought the situation over for a while, and this is what I came up with. I mean she's obviously not too busy that's ridiculous. It's not as if we just lost touch either, she is deliberately ignoring me. I then thought of how she broke up with her boyfriend and how she acted before and after. Before she was always happy and willing to talk to me. After she broke up with him she treated me like a complete stranger, I also got the vibe that she was mad at me for something. I then thought, is she possibly blaming me for breaking up with her boyfriend? I never once encouraged her to break up with him, he knew I was friends with her. He was a nice guy, he didn't seem to care.*

      So a month after school got out I decided to text her while a the beach and to my surprise she answered. She acted as if nothing I mentioned previously had happened and stopped texting me after an hour. I wasn't surprised to say the least. I texted her later that night saying it was nice to talk to her again, but she didn't answer. When we did talk frequently, if she stopped texting me she would always text back the next day. Now nothing...

      Now my questions to you guys, can anyone give some insight on to why she is behaving like this? Is it possible that she blamed me for breaking up with her boyfriend? Anything else helps too. I used to think she might like me, but I think that's out of the question.

      Thank you to everyone who reads and answers, I greatly appreciate it! :)
    • Re: What should I do with this girl?

      YO_VANILLA wrote:

      Just stop texting her. If she does really does like you she will let you know. From you story I don't see why she would blame you for her and her bf breaking up unless you left out some major details

      Yeah I didn't leave out any details. I don't think she blamed me for the breakup but her behavior does strike me as really odd. I only say this might be the case because she was fine with me until they broke up, then everything went downhill. I get the vibe that she is angry at me for something, but I might just be overreacting. I just don't know.

      Thanks for replying by the way, I didn't expect anyone to answer haha.

      ---------- Post added at 01:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 AM ----------

      Oh and almost forgot, I'm done chasing her around. If she wants to talk she can come to me.

      ---------- Post added at 01:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 AM ----------

      Oh and almost forgot, I'm done chasing her around. If she wants to talk she can come to me.