The Dark Knight Rises (spoilers) and why I think it's better than TDK

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    • The Dark Knight Rises (spoilers) and why I think it's better than TDK

      Just saw it. First and foremost before I give my 2 cents, TDKR and TDK can't really be compared because they are two completely different films, similar to how Batman Begins and TDR are different.

      1.) I have to say the Joker was a better villain than Bane obviously, but I think that's really because of the actor that portrayed him, and Nolan's help of fitting him into the script, etc. I like Tom Hardy, but Bain is not really a character you can relate to the Joker. They are two completely different villains. I thought Bain was a good villain, but c'mon, the Joker is an iconic character in the Batman univerise, of course he is going to be a better villain.

      2.) TDKR has a 10000000x better story than TDK. Bain at least had a good story to go with him and everything is explained on why he's there. It might not be the best story in the world, but it was solid and we knew how he was. The Joker? He was insane and just wanted to cause havoc. No background. No story. We knew nothing about the Joker. I can easily see myself watching this movie again. While I liked TDK, I didn't get the same vibe. I am definitely easily buying this as soon as it comes out on dvd.

      3.) The ending fucking sucked in TDK. I thought the story with Harvey Dent could've been better. I liked the ending in TDKR. Lots of things to think about. We find out Blake's first name is Robin. Is that a mindfuck going to get us thinking he will be Robin, or is he going to be Nightwing? Also, is Alfred having another illusion at the end seeing Bruce? Because seriously, why is there a funeral and why is Alfred crying? It wasn't a big funeral either. His closest pals, that's it.

      IMO at the end Bale is definitely dead, but that's just me, and levitt is portrayed to be the next batman.

      Anyway, dark knight rises > dark knight

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Manny ().

    • Re: The Dark Knight Rises (spoilers) and why I think it's better than TDK

      1) I thought Bane was a much better villain than the Joker, who I don't even think was as good of a villain as Two-Face was in TDK. Bane was completely menacing as the Joker was but his character was actually humanized a little and more closely related the plot. Joker just went around doing stupid crazy shit for no reason at all, while Bane was acting out of love.

      2) I agree.

      3) I liked the ending of the Dark Knight, but the ending of TDKR blew it away because of how much more was on stake which made the scale of things more epic. And Batman is definitely alive, he was just believed dead so he can retire. They hinted quite a few times that he got the auto-pilot fixed.