how can i act more flirty with my girlfriend?

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    • how can i act more flirty with my girlfriend?

      i started seeing this girl in april, we broke up in june, for about 3-4 weeks because of arguments and stuff but we're seeing each other again now and its going okay
      but tonight she tells me that she doesnt think we flirt together enough, that i dont seem the kind of person to do that.
      its strange because i have flirted with girls before, i just dont seem to do it with this girl im seeing, she says she isn't bothered much, but it'd be nice sometimes
      so i told her that we can start but she didnt believe i was into flirting so she said "if i really hot right now;) would you respond"
      i didnt actually know because it was like i was being tested by her, so i said that but i also said we will more from now on then.

      so basically how can i add flirtyness/naughtyness into our conversations from now on without it seeming brought on due to this conversation we had tonight?
    • Re: how can i act more flirty with my girlfriend?

      This is a tough one because she already thinks of you as non-flirty. To start being flirty, stop saying you are going to flirt. It should be spontaneous, and don't try to hard either, just let it come naturally. Don't be excessively dirty or naughty as well, because that's not really flirting but like, dirty talking. If she say's she's really hot right now, respond with something like, 'so I'm not the only one thinking you're hot' or something along those lines. It doesn't have to be amazing one liners either, just let it flow.