What should I do?

    • What should I do?

      Well its a really long story to say so I will try to make it as sort as I can. I have never ever got along with my step- dad, and the reasons are because he is very controlable over my mom, and the family. He calls us mean names, but he doesnt hit us or anything. He has cheated on my mom alot, and my mom has taken him back all 3 TIMES. Its really hurts to see my mom get hurt the way she does, and I even tried to talk to her but she doesnt listen. I mean, all she says is that he doesnt mean it. Well if he doesnt mean it why does he do it again, or why does he even do it. I love my mom, and we are so extremely close. I have go to the point where I have ran to my friends house crying, and not knowing what to do. What lead to this? Well my parents drink alot, and thats what causes them to fight alot. Well my mom got mad and threw down here beer, and I cried and ran out. I am sick and tired of it. My dad treats my mom like crap. Its really sad..and I dont know what to do anymore. I already tried to talk to my dad..but he doesnt care..he even says..all he says is that Im 15 and I dont know anything..My sister even said my dad grabbed her by her neck before. I dont even know =[. I am so confused. My parents drink and fight all the time. It has got bad to where my dad called the cops on my mom. It has got bad again to where we actually left but we came back again. You guys what should I do? I tried EVERYTHING =[. I cry all the time over this..
    • Re: What should I do?

      i know how u feel. My step-dad is the same way, he is very controling to my mom. He drinks every day from the time he wakes up til he goes to bed. And i do not like him. I have gotten into many fights with him. And alot of the time ive ran away because of the fights. And my mom comes up with some lame ass excuses on why he treats me like he does, like "hes been under alot of stress latley", or "he's just having a bad day" and he's like that all the time. He is really 2 faced. He shows everybody in my family this nice side to him. Then when him, me and my mom are home he becomes this completley different person. So i know how u feel. And theres really nothing u can do. But you could do what i did. I moved outta my moms and moved in with my gram & pap.
      [CENTER]don't think i'm crazy when i tell you this, but if you ever hurt me i'll fucking kill you :lol:[/CENTER]
    • Re: What should I do?

      wait i'm confused at the start you said he was your step-dad and towards the end you refer to him as dad? hmm obviously your mum needs this guy in her life or loves him so much she'll forgive him, if he's a step-dad and you don't think you need him in you or your families lives you could always make up he hit or or tried to make a move on you, that's a bit dangerous and risky though it just depends on what you are willing to do to split this man and your mum up.
      Nicole = Happiest she's been in a long time:lovey:
    • Re: What should I do?

      Sorry If I confused you, he is Indeed my step dad, but I call him dad. He has been there since I was a baby, thats why. I wish I could do something, those suggestions are extremely risky, and if he ever found out, wow..I would be in loads of trouble. He scares me /shivers. I tried to talk to her, but that doesnt work out. I am even trying to start conseling, cause I cant stand it, it puts to much stress on me, and my mom said " Your life isnt that bad". She cant tell me how I feel. =[
    • Re: What should I do?

      you could always like try talking to your mum again but really outline the facts, she might see more sense? or tell her you get scared by him and hate him, if he's been in your life practically all your life has he been like this for as long as you can remember or is it soemthing recent?
      Nicole = Happiest she's been in a long time:lovey:
    • Re: What should I do?

      My real dad left me when I was 1 year.
      Im 15, and has been with us for 14 years.
      Ugh, it really sucks, cause he has a drinking problem, and now my mom use to not, and now she does. It really sucks. Dont know what to do anymore. I told my dad i am scared of him, and he said i should be. My mom..stands up for us sometimes..but she is put down most of the times. My mom always says she is going to get a divorce, BUT NEVER DOES!
    • Re: What should I do?

      how about packing your stuff one day and leaving..go live with your real dad for a bit? and say you're not coming back until it's sorted, if she doesn't sort it out you know who she loves more, if she gets a divorce then it's savvy., you might not want to leaver your mum with your step dad but hopefully it won't be long before she sees sense
      Nicole = Happiest she's been in a long time:lovey:
    • Re: What should I do?

      well then i think we've explored all the options :( what about other relatives close by? how about just saying out of the house as much as possible or not taling to him unles syou have to, just try not too see as much of him and leave your mum to it after all she's a grown up and should know what to do for the best
      Nicole = Happiest she's been in a long time:lovey: