Emotionally straight but sexually gay

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    • Emotionally straight but sexually gay

      I consider myself straight. I have crushes on girls, I've dated girls, I find myself checking out girls in public. I hardly ever have these feelings about men, I usually only want to be in a relationship with a woman... except when i'm sexually aroused.

      Whenever I am having a sexual fantasy, or when I'm aroused 9 times out of 10 I am thinking about being with another guy. dont get me wrong, I still have sexual fantasies about women but not nearly as much. Whenever i'm aroused I also fantasize about being in a romantic relationship with a man, but I'm not sure if thats just some weird way of getting off.

      whenever I masturbate to gay porn I immediately feel disgusted with myself afterwards, very unlike when I masturbate to a woman. however sometimes I will watch hetero porn, and i will imagine that I am the woman in the scene. I usually don't feel disgusted with myself after that. Only once have I experimented with another guy, and i did not like it very much, but i think that might just be because I was too nervous to get excited. this is all very confusing for me, and i'm just trying to figure out my sexual identity.
    • Re: Emotionally straight but sexually gay

      You don't have to figure out if you're straight or gay or bi or whatever. You just need to come to terms with how you feel and if you enjoy one gender more than another then that's okay. You don't have to feel guilty.
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