bisexual->me getting annoyed by closet lesbian-> my gf

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    • bisexual->me getting annoyed by closet lesbian-> my gf

      Ok so pretty much there is this girl who is my age 14 and e have liked eachother for ages and we are kinda going out but no body can know because I'm totally out of the closet but she isn't and it's starting to get on my nerves, coz we are in the same friendship group so I have to lie to my friends which makes me feel like we are doing something wrong and tbh u might think we are, if so go kids my but. We might be having a great time then she'll hear something panic and step as far away from me as possible. U might be thinking she's scared coz people will judge but I'm not bragging but I get on with everyone, no one in my school cares that I'm bisexual, and her,brother is gay and her parents are cool with it. I'm not sure whether to just give her time or confront her or just brake up with her coz it took me alot to sort out who I am and being with her, despite the fact I love her, is dragging me down. Please help me, and please no hate, somepeople are gay, get over it :p :)
    • Re: bisexual->me getting annoyed by closet lesbian-> my gf

      I can see where you're coming from, but give her time. She seems to be really sensitive about people knowing her sexuality and it might take her awhile to get truly comfortable with it. Just talk to her about it because some people may not feel ready to come out and that's their personal choice. I give you props though for coming out though!
      [SIZE="3"][/SIZE][FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]" You've been hooked, you've been crooked, you've been lied to so many times, that you're suspicious-minded. And when the right thing comes along, you don't believe in it. "[/COLOR][/FONT]
    • Re: bisexual->me getting annoyed by closet lesbian-> my gf

      I`m an out lesbian, and it really does suck when your girlfriend or someone you like very much is in the closet. It`s weird that she wouldn`t come out even though the people around her are open about homosexuality. Maybe she`s just not ready to accept it herself. I would give her time, I mean I`m sure you know how hard it is to come out, even if you know that the outcome will be positive, it`s still hard to say those words.

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