Having some problems, need some advice :)

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    • Having some problems, need some advice :)

      this is kinda a long one , just letting you know,
      im new to this, i need some advice :/
      okay, so im 20 years old, and i live in a small town.
      growing up my brother was always interested in guys (3 years older) and one day in high school he came out of the closet for sure, it been years now. well at the time as a kid i experimented like most kids do, and went through a bit of a rough stage. and never thought much of it after that. well slowing i started to think about guys differently, and always had more girls as friends. and just the other day my father asked why i dont have any relationships. and he asked me the question," are u confused?" (its not like this was his first rodeo with this cuz my bro) and i just kinda beat around the bush, but he wanted an answer. i just told him,
      "idk, im just into people. i like different things. i love people for peoples sake." and he didnt quite understand, so he asked if i was bisexual. i said, "idk, yes.. maybe"
      all and all my dad knows, and really doesnt care, he just didnt want to see me struggle. which was nice. BUT HERES THE KICKER.
      my brother who is gay, and a semi-pro drag queen, doesnt beleive in bisexuality.
      or the alility to look past a gender. and my mom desnt know, my friends dont know. i guess i dont talk much about it because id rather have people assume, cuz idc what then think, sometime. its just hard idk what to do. help?!?! IM SO VERY CONFUSED AT IT ALL.

    • Re: Having some problems, need some advice :)

      Labels are shit. I hate labels. If people wanna know if you're "bi" or "gay" tell them it doesn't matter what you are. You're you. When people ask me what I am, I tell them I'm me. I'll like who I wanna like and if you don't like that, it's just too damn bad. Just be you.
      "Even if I say, it'll be alright, still i hear you say, you wanna end your life"-Never Too Late- Three Days Grace. <3[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
    • Re: Having some problems, need some advice :)

      Bisexuals do exist. I am one. I love women, I love sex with a girl, I love to eat her beaver, but I also like to suck guys tools, and I love it when a guy makes love to me anally. All my friends know about the women in my life, they would be more surprised to find out about the guys in my life, although some of the guys are the friends also. For a guy to have sex with another guy, straights automatically think "He's Gay" where gay guys think I am not being honest about being gay and am trying to convince myself that I am straight. Well F-em! I am what I am and it's nobodies business. If you like to suck a guy then suck it. If you like to bang a girl, bang it. Life is short and the more you worry about this and that the less time you will have to be happy. I love being Bi.
      I am currently dating this pretty girl and we have lots of sex, but she also has a boyfriend, but he found out that I was banging his girl and came over to beat me up and instead we ended up making out and him and I started having lots of sex with each other. We finally told her what was happening and she thinks that is hot, so now we have 3-ways all the time. Sometimes she will just watch us guys go at it or direct us on what she wants us to do. We are talking about moving in together.
      So if you like it both ways, you are Bi, and it does exist no matter what gay or straight people say.