Cross Country!

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    • Cross Country!

      Hi guys :P I haven't been on this forum in forever, but school's about to kick in and I'm about to start my junior year of high school. So, the first thread I wanted to post is about x-country! This is my first year really getting into x-country(mainly because I'm just a sprinter, made it into the top 15 at states ^_^), but I've been struggling a bit with my calves feeling heavy and hurting quite a bit(probably due to lactic acid er whatever) and I recently just injured my back at a 2mile race ; /(which I enjoyed, managed to finish with a time of 12:40 ^_^, not very good compared to most runners, but still, it's a milestone for me with this being my first year.)

      Anyways to get to the point, I was hoping that at least a few of you would be willing to post your most recent milestones in terms of athletics!(preferably running, but anything is fine :P) This is just a way to help build determination, and brag about your achievements!

      Milestone 1: Running a 12:40 2mile race :rolleyes: (This thread is also on the fitness forum)
      “It is quite possible that we can do greater things than Jesus, for what is written in the Bible about him is poetically embellished.” Albert Einstein
    • Re: Cross Country!

      as small as DC is, i got fourth once in the state races, and that's when i started running. I don't remember my time, (I know I should though). but I have been practicing all summer and I am really excited to continue as a junior myself. I am glad you started this thread. I was searching it up last night and I didnt find much.
    • Re: Cross Country!

      naijan wrote:

      as small as DC is, i got fourth once in the state races, and that's when i started running. I don't remember my time, (I know I should though). but I have been practicing all summer and I am really excited to continue as a junior myself. I am glad you started this thread. I was searching it up last night and I didnt find much.

      No problem :P and grats on placing 4th! DC may be small, but in an area like that it's an impressive feat, especially considering it was when you started running.
      “It is quite possible that we can do greater things than Jesus, for what is written in the Bible about him is poetically embellished.” Albert Einstein
    • Re: Cross Country!

      I was in cross country from grades 5-12 and still run frequently. I don't remember any PBs but I was never particularly amazing - I could do well enough to qualify for finals and stuff but there were still lots of people who did better than me.

      Bragging: I have a bronze medal and a 2 silver medals from high school (grades 9, 10, and 12), but those were our school team (individual points combined). In my grade 12 year I also went to provincial track for the 3000m (longest race) and 100m (shortest race), which was kind of unique.

      Cross-country is awesome, I hope you enjoy it. ^^
    • Re: Cross Country!

      Yeah a 3k and 100m comp is definitely a very unique comp xD I just ran my first actual high school 5k yesterday and came in 46th with a time of 20minutes, so about a 6:40second pace give or take. I didn't think it was too bad considering I've never actually done long distance, but I've been to states and am currently the top sprinter on my school's track team. Even though I'd watched the 3k races at all of our track meets, I never realized how fast long distance runners were actually going for the duration of the race until I tried it myself haha, it seems so unreal xD
      “It is quite possible that we can do greater things than Jesus, for what is written in the Bible about him is poetically embellished.” Albert Einstein