Gamer girl falling for xbox friends...

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    • Gamer girl falling for xbox friends...

      Like the title says, I guess you could call me a gamer girl.. I have many friends on xbox that i know in rl (real life) but most of the guys i like talking to live in different states.. Theres 3 guys i talk to almost every day even :3 I even like talking to them more than my real friends usually :-/ I text them every day and they are amazing.. conversation is usually about the games we play but once in a while we have the most thoughtful conversations ive ever had with anyone, let alone a guy. I have fallen for 2 of them though and I dont know what to do about it...
      I read this thing that says "falling for someone you've never met before just means falling for their personality, instead of their looks" and I completely agree.. only if they found out that i had crushes on them they would be freaked out and stop talking to me.. (its been proven) I know what they look like and it makes my crush even worse :-/
      I dont know how to stop liking my friends over xbox.. Please help me convince myself not to like them X( :confused:
      Take Risks. Do things beyond your boundaries. If you don't, you'll never know what you missed! :kiss:
    • Re: Gamer girl falling for xbox friends...

      Relationships made over Xbox Live are great because there is no physical appearance involved, only personality. Don't listen to other people that would say every guy on XBL that tries to befriend girls are losers, that's just not the case a lot of times. If you actually feel an emotional connection to somebody over the internet, then congrats, you are not shallow
    • Re: Gamer girl falling for xbox friends...

      I hear you! Been there done that! I'm also a girl gamer and guys from other parts of the world/country are so much better than the ones who live close with one or two exceptions. I fell for a guy on xbox once exactly the same situation as you, but then I told him and he said he liked me too so we found each other on Facebook and I found out he was a scrawny little ginger nerd but I did not give a shit because I liked his personality and who he was, not his looks like most girls do in my town. I met up with him and we got on like a house on fire and we dated a couple of months before I developed feelings for someone else so I ended it as I didn't want to lead him on and stuff, we still get on as well as we did before we dated and it's great! Just do what you want babe :)