Best friend is kinda hates me...

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    • Best friend is kinda hates me...

      I've had this friend for a couple of years now and usually she would make me laugh and we'd always have such a good time together and she'd made me feel like someone outside of family actually cared for me. She would listen to my problems and I'd listen to hers and we would both be there for each other. But then I did something over the summer to her that made her upset and her boyfriend broke with her cause of me. She's told me that she kind of hated me for it even though she got back together with her bf. but ever since then we haven't been as close anymore. She never calls me or message me on skype, I'm always the one that has to ask her to hang out or say hi online. She just dosent seem interested anymore as is always bored when we hang out, I suggest things that we could do but dosent want to do anything and yeah I'm to blame but I just want to go back to what things were. She claims that were still "good friends" but she's generally pretty mean to me. I try to cheer her up when shes down but she pushes me away, I'm not sure if she wants me to chase after her or not. However when I'm upset over something she could hardly give a shit and even told me she hates it when I'm upset around her. It really makes me feel that she just dosent care about me anymore.

      Any thoughts at all? What should I do? I wanna still be friends with her cause she's really all that I have... Is there any hope at all?..:(
    • Re: Best friend is kinda hates me...

      Well we all make mistakes in life, some are easily forgiven and some just takes some time.

      Talk to her about whatever caused this and made her upset, apologize to her and well ask for some second chance to be good friends again.
      Thats all you can do for now, what happened just happened and you cant change that. And if shes still upset after then maybe give her some time.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Re: Best friend is kinda hates me...

      Basically what I did was I told her bf that she was doing drugs while I was at her house(she went to the other room for a "couple of minutes").He decided to break up with her next day cause of what she did. Accused me of telling him, no sense in lying I admitted it. Was pretty angry I told him. :/
      She really shouldn't be doing that shit in the first place...
    • Re: Best friend is kinda hates me...

      Well actually its a good thing you told someone, then maybe he can help her get off that stuff only sad that he had to break up with her at first place.
      well just talk to her and tell her what you thought of her doing that stuff and such since actually you tried to help in some way then right and thats what friends do.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.