Please, need help!

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    • Please, need help!

      I'm a junior in high school and this guy is going to be a freshman in college. I've liked him for 5 years now and we hang out and go to the movies, mini golfing, and bowling just the two of us all the time. I've never had much to ever do with a guy before because I'm kind of shy but I want to get closer with him. A bunch of people always come up and ask if we're dating including both of our parents thinking we're dating and I wish we were but he just recently started dating a freshman at my high school who people don't really know what to think about. They've dated once before and then too, people weren't quite sure what to think about her. Even his closest friends come up to me talking to me about how they don't like her and don't understand why he's with her and some of them have known much longer than he has. He's going off to college in 6 days and he says we will stay in touch and I hope we do, but should I try and tell him how I feel before he leaves or what? Will it be too late to try and make a move because he'll be at college (although he will be coming home every weekend)? Please help!!
    • Re: Please, need help!

      If there's anything you should know about love, it's that you never deny what you're feeling. If you legitimately have feelings for this guy then you need to do yourself a favor and let him know! :)

      You'll let him go to college and continue seeing this girl (who might I add) is YOUNGER than you when you spend more quality time with him. Whether or not he's in a relationship with someone else, it can't hurt to just express your feelings for him. He could feel the same about you, but if he doesn't then at least you let it be known.