Perfect or maybe not?

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    • Perfect or maybe not?

      Hello. I am new here so please excuse me if Im not doing something right :P. (this is probably going to be extremly long) Well, to start, before this boy I had been single for over a year. I honestly didn't mind being single. I could flirt with whoever I wanted without worrying about upsetting anyone. It was nice and I love having the freedom of being single. Anyways, sometime in May I went to a guy friends(gonna call him "B") birthday party with one of my best friends(calling her "C"). It actually wasn't even a real party, it was more like a couple friends hanging out for his birthday but anyways...I was sleeping over C's house that night. Whenever I sleep over her house, her mom gives us a lot of freedom, something I don't get at my own house. It's nice. Moving on, we shows up at about 6pm. It was only B and this other guy Ive heard of, but wasn't exactly friends with. He will be called "L" for this story. He had a girlfriend, and I only knew this because he rode my bus with her and they would always kiss like little nasties. Ok, so we stayed til about 10pm because C's mom wanted us home. Those few hours were really boring, but when we snuck out later at around 11 and came back, 2 more guys were there. (his cousin "M" and one of my friends "T"). Right when we came back, almost instantly "L" came over and started flirting with me, and "T" started flirting with my friend. He asked for my number and I gave it to him. He texted me a few minutes later and told me I was beautiful. I was surprised he would say that, knowing he had a girlfriend, but I also had heard he was a "player". I didnt want to believe it because he was being so sweet to me. All 4 of us were sitting by the fire, but decided to move our chairs more into the dark after a while, next to the trampoline. We made a circle of chairs , me, L, C, T and eventually B came over. I had my legs on L's lap, C had her legs over T's lap, B had his legs on me, and T had his legs on my chair. It was cold so B grabbed a blanket for all of us. By then, me and L were holding hands. Then B went on the trampoline with his cousin and some other girl he invited. So it was just 4 of us in our circle of chairs. The night went on like this, talking, laughing, joking, and just being teenagers. A couple times L kissed my hand, and he would tickle my feet and stomach and make my laugh. And that was it. I fell for him. He was perfect. Everything I wanted. Except he had a girlfriend. I know it was wrong to flirt like that with a taken boy, but that didn't cross my mind that night. Night turned into morning.(4:30 in the morning to be exact) Birds started chirping....and I was way over tired. That night I only hugged L. I wish he would've kissed me, but at least he was being faithful to his girlfriend.
      The next couple days we talked, and he told me him and his girlfriend had broken up. I was happy, thinking maybe I had a chance. Nope. They got together a day later.
      For about a week I was still thinking about him. How much I wanted to go back to that night, hoping he would text me, telling me they had broken up and that he wanted to be with me.Nope again. Eventually I gave up waiting for him, and forgot about him.
      Ok, now fast forward 2 months, it's July.
      He texts me :) and he wants to hang out. At the time, I didn't really bother to try to make arrangements because I had my mind on someone else. But the next day, he was at B's house and he wanted me to come over because B was having his new girlfriend over and L was finally single. So I went, and I knew something would happen. And something did happen. We went on a walk, with his arm around me. I keep looking into his eyes thinking about how perfect it would be to kiss him right there. But I didnt have the courage to make the first move.
      So we went back to B's house, and L jumped in the pool. I just sat on the deck with my feet in the water. He kept begging me to go in with my clothes on. I wish I had. He asked for a hug while in the water, so I leaned down, he put his arms around me and he kissed me. And it was great.
      Before I left, we kissed again, but longer. I didn't want to leave.
      The next day he asked me out and of course I said yes.
      I didn't tell anyone about us except for a 3 close friends.
      A couple days later I invited him over. I wasn't allowed to have boys in my room so we went in my back yard and sat behind a tree. We talked about a lot of things and found out we have a lot in common . We joked around a lot too, like we had been friends for a long time. It was nice...the rest of the week, He also came over. The 3rd day he came over we were allowed in my room because it was raining. In that week, our relationship went a little faster than expected it to go. I felt comfortable with him, and I let him touch me. No, I'm not proud of that. My mind told me it was wrong, but my body said yes. I wish I would've told him to stop, but he was being so gentle and sweet about it. He wanted to go all the way but I was defiantly not ready for that. He was good about it and didn't push it.
      The next week I expected that maybe we would hang again some more, but he only came over Monday for about 20 minutes.
      Another week goes by, and I still hadn't seen him, only texted.
      For 3 days I didn't get a text from him. He then texted me yesterday afternoon asking if we were still together, and we agreed that we were. But that night...
      He told me he thought we should just be friends and that he " needed space". I'm very confused because I thought I was giving him a lot of space. He said his cousin died and stuff with his family wasn't right and he couldn't handle a girlfriend right now. He is known to be a huge liar, and I don't believe him 100%. I think there may be someone else in the picture now and he made that up. He says he loves me but I think he just wants to get in my pants because he offered to be friends with benefits. He was also going to come over today, and he hasn't texted me. It's 9:30pm. I honestly believe he is lying to me and he wants to use me for sex and be able to mess around with other girls at the same time. I don't trust him anymore. I asked him about it but he denies it all and says he just "needs space" I know this is long but I don't have many people to talk to about this. Please don't judge me for what we did, we are just expeirimenting teenagers. So please give me some honest opinions on what you think about the situation. What do you think he means? Thanks.
      "When you fall I’ll be the only one who looks away
      When you call I’ll be the first to tell you I can’t stay
      It’s all over, I found a better way to help keep you from me
      I'm better off this way"
    • Re: Perfect or maybe not?

      He broke up with his girlfriend because she cheated on him but still, your right about how he flirted with me while he was with her. I know all he wants is to use me because he just asked for me to send him a "picture". I told him fuck you. Thank you for the opinion, I couldnt agree more.
      "When you fall I’ll be the only one who looks away
      When you call I’ll be the first to tell you I can’t stay
      It’s all over, I found a better way to help keep you from me
      I'm better off this way"
    • Re: Perfect or maybe not?

      The other red flag to me is that you said it yourself, you don't trust him. Relationships are built on trust, if there is none, you're not going to enjoy it. Plus, as Kahlee said, if he's willing to jump from his girlfriend to you, odds are he'll be willing to jump from you to another girl. The fact that he texts you asking if you're still together tells me he wasn't taking it as seriously as you seemed to be, and that he was wondering if he was free to try to get with another girl, and since you said you are, he changed it so he WAS free to chase her.
    • Re: Perfect or maybe not?

      You have a good point. I never fully trusted him from day one, so I think getting into a relationship with him probably wasn't the best idea. It makes sense now why he broke up with me. I think he probably wanted to break up with me for someone else but he wanted me to be the one to do it. Oh well, I don't think we will be talking anytime soon.
      "When you fall I’ll be the only one who looks away
      When you call I’ll be the first to tell you I can’t stay
      It’s all over, I found a better way to help keep you from me
      I'm better off this way"
    • Re: Perfect or maybe not?

      I think, after reading the whole post (you painted a very in depth picture) you pretty much answer your own question.

      1) He's a known player and liar, not exactly 'perfect' boyfriend material, let alone someone to be trusted

      2) Tbh I would never want to be with someone who was so willling to jump from one relationship to another. If he flirted with you whilst dating someone else, it's just as easy for him to start flirting with other girls and leaving YOU for someone else?

      3) You say you don't trust him, a relationship without trust isn't going to work out

      4) I'm sorry but the fact he dropped you directly after you said you weren't ready to have sex with him kinda proves twice over that he was only after one thing

      ADVICE: Time to forget about him and move on. You may have fallen for his charming exterior but I think you know inside he's a waste of space.
    • Re: Perfect or maybe not?

      I agree and Im finally starting to accept the fact that he was using me.Apparently he's back to hanging out with his ex ( or maybe they're back together, I'm not sure) but it just proves that he didn't care about me and was only after one thing, like you said. He moved on so easily,and it shows there were no true feelings there. He's a liar and I don't want anything to do with him. Thanks for the advice!
      "When you fall I’ll be the only one who looks away
      When you call I’ll be the first to tell you I can’t stay
      It’s all over, I found a better way to help keep you from me
      I'm better off this way"