Really really bad timing....

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    • Really really bad timing....

      Hello Internet folks, My name is Sam and I recently discovered that I might be 98% gay, which I was obviously thrilled about. Although this news was great, I had some minor inconviences like any other newly gay individual with this realization. My most challenging issue with this process is that, it has become clear to me that I must break up with my girlfriend for who I've been dating for a year and a half now. When we first started dating, I didn't have a shread of a clue that I would turn out to be gay 1.5 years later but over the course of the relationship I slowly realized while at the same time repressing/denying my attraction for the same sex. I've never experiment unless you count jacking off in the SamE room as ur best friends when I was like 15 but, they're all straight and had an equal desire to jack off too. I feel extremely guilty because now I feel like I lied to her when I told her everyday that I thought she was beautiful or pretty (which she is, gay people can tell too I guess) or I told her I loved her and all that sort of stuff. Also, she has a lot of anxiety issues and I feel like if I broke up with her without giving her the "I'm gay" version then she will go into an extreme depression and may not be able to overcome it by the time we go to college. With the tremendous amount of work from school right now and college I don't want to add coming out to this very long list. But if I wait it out then I could steal more experiences away from my girlfriend like her only prom and I've already stole her first kiss boyfriend make out etc. I know in a way what I need to do In the end, which is come out and suffer the judgment and anger I'll reforge from all my friends for lying to them accidently. The only reason that I might. One out sooner than later is because I met this guy and he's the only one I can talk to about this crap and I wish I could date him but, gay straight or donkey I would never cheat so now i feel liked I'm screwed unt college....damnit.....please somebody slap me out of this confusion and make everything seem a lot more simple...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Drummaster1000 ().

    • Re: Really really bad timing....

      Drummaster1000 wrote:

      Hello Internet folks, My name is Sam and I recently discovered that I might be 98% gay, which I was obviously thrilled about. Although this news was great, I had some minor inconviences like any other newly gay individual with this realization. My most challenging issue with this process is that, it has become clear to me that I must break up with my girlfriend for who I've been dating for a year and a half now. When we first started dating, I didn't have a shread of a clue that I would turn out to be gay 1.5 years later but over the course of the relationship I slowly realized while at the same time repressing/denying my attraction for the same sex. I've never experiment unless you count jacking off in the SamE room as ur best friends when I was like 15 but, they're all straight and had an equal desire to jack off too. I feel extremely guilty because now I feel like I lied to her when I told her everyday that I thought she was beautiful or pretty (which she is, gay people can tell too I guess) or I told her I loved her and all that sort of stuff. Also, she has a lot of anxiety issues and I feel like if I broke up with her without giving her the "I'm gay" version then she will go into an extreme depression and may not be able to overcome it by the time we go to college. With the tremendous amount of work from school right now and college I don't want to add coming out to this very long list. But if I wait it out then I could steal more experiences away from my girlfriend like her only prom and I've already stole her first kiss boyfriend make out etc. I know in a way what I need to do In the end, which is come out and suffer the judgment and anger I'll reforge from all my friends for lying to them accidently. The only reason that I might. One out sooner than later is because I met this guy and he's the only one I can talk to about this crap and I wish I could date him but, gay straight or donkey I would never cheat so now i feel liked I'm screwed unt college....damnit.....please somebody slap me out of this confusion and make everything seem a lot more simple...

      >>>>[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Official TeenHut Tinychat!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]<<<<
    • Re: Really really bad timing....

      The 98% and the stuff about the donkey was pretty much my attempt to have a sense of humor with this but I guess that was an epic fail haha

      ---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 PM ----------

      Oo and yea I don't think I'm curious that stage is kinda over with, to a certain extent...hopefully