How to let go, how to deal with a broken heart.

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    • How to let go, how to deal with a broken heart.

      Hello, I had this friend and I had and still do have strong feeling for her for about eleven months. And she had feelings for me and people were practically screaming "Just go out already". So I finally got the courage to ask her out and we went out. We had the best time together, we've been to the movies before just the two of us as friends but not while going out. Two weeks later, it broke down. She didn't give me any other reason except she didn't want it to get too serious in case it ruined our friendship. That was over two months ago and in that time I’ve tried to still be her friend I have, we've stated to hug a bit like before, I got her a pressie for her birthday which she loved but it just isn’t working. I still have strong feeling for her and she knows that. My friends keep telling me that, she’s to blame and that I should forget about her but I can't. I always find myself defending her from my friends, saying “It must have been something I did”. Last night I had dream about her, all it was just us hugging like we used to, every time we say each other we used to hug, even if we saw each other ten minutes before we still hugged, and I kissed her on the cheek, I never got to kiss her on the cheek and I’m regretting it. And when I woke up and found out it was just a dream, I started to tear up because what I dreamt was so picturesque, it was what it was meant to be like, what it could have been like. I just wish she could just tell me why she broke up with my bluntly, just the truth, it would hurt but I feel I need to know as if it’s closure. But I feel that I can’t ask her that because it could ruin things. Our friendship is still awkward but it’s getting better, slowly and painfully but it’s getting there. Every time I see her, I just deflate, and it’s not even when I see her. If I see a girl who looks like her, sounds like her, there was a girl working at IGA and her nametag said “Tanika” and I felt sad and deflated. I’m sick of feeling this way to be honest, I have never felt this way about a girl before and I don’t want this. I don’t mean I don’t care about her, I care about her so much it’s just I don’t want this to carry on anymore. I guess in a way I’m angry, we were so close for eleven months, we practically acted like we were going out and when we were together officially, I could just see it in her face, she was just as happy as I was but then when we did go out it just fell apart so quickly.
      How do you deal with a broken heart? My friends say I need to let her go because they says it’s eating at me but I can't.
      Also something that my friends have been bugging me about, do you think it is wrong for a seventeen year old boy to go out with a thirteen year old girl? She’s fourteen right now but she was thirteen when we went out and she's mature for her age.

      Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
    • Re: How to let go, how to deal with a broken heart.

      As much as you think she's mature, she can only act so mature for her age, if you get what I'm saying.
      As far as the breakup goes, of course its her fault. 99% of girls are dumb and have flawed logic (yours is an example), so there's nothing you really can do in this situation, except 2 choices:
      A) confront her about your own feelings
      B) move on, whether this means accepting that you can't be with her, or entirely cutting off.
      I know what heartbreak feels like, and I very much know that feeling of being eaten away. But the thing is, it doesn't really go away unless you actually focus on moving on.

      I think it's beautiful irony; breaks up with you because she doesn't want to ruin a friendship, but still ends up ruining it. Female logic ;)