I don't know what to do. Does it seem like he likes me?

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    • I don't know what to do. Does it seem like he likes me?

      This may be long and it might jump around quite a bit but please stick with me.
      We both play the trumpet in our high school marching band but I'm a junior and hes a senior. I cant tell if he likes me or not.
      I'm really shy and quiet and I don't have a lot of self confidence so I don't talk much. Everyone in my section teases me in a kind of nice way but he is always really nice and is standing up for me. I really like him and I don't know If I'm reading his signals wrong. He told me at the end of last year (when he was still a junior) that he would visit me and only me after he graduates because when I'm a senior he said that I will look mighty fine.
      He has also told me that I'm one of he few people in my grade that doesn't annoy him but I'm afraid he's just being nice. Sometimes he will act kind of aloof to me but he does that with a lot of people. He is a very funny guy and is constantly making me laugh at the things he says and does.
      In the begining of August during marching band we got a snack break and I went back into the school to refill my water and then I went back down to he band pad were a few of the trumpets and I sit and hang out and he and another trumpet were there. I heared him say oh look there's McKensi and then he told the other trumpet that really soon I would be a super fox. I didn't know if they knew I could hear them so I called out and said that I could hear them and he said he knew that and told me that I was a fox right now but that next year I would be super foxy.
      A week after that a lot of the trumpets went to one of the sophomore trumpets house to swim right after band camp. I didnt have my bathing suit and most of us were still in what we wore for band camp. I was sitting on the edge of the pool with my legs hanging in and one of the guys came and pushed me in. As soon as surfaced the guy that I like was all "oh no she drowning we have to save her" so he got another senior and they lifted me out of the water and put me on the step. He knows that I'm a strong swimmer and he knew I wasn't drowning. Once he set me down he said he was sorry for feeling me up but he had to save me. Later on another girl got pushed in and he looked at me and said "I'm not gonna save her"
      Earlier that day when we were in the car he looked back at me from the passenger seat and started wiggling his eyebrows and made a funny face at me while I was trying to drink my water. He applogised for nearly making me spit out my water because I was trying not to laugh. He said he wouldnt try and make me laugh while I was drinking again.
      That same day after we got out of the pool i was sitting next to him at a bar that over looked the pool he started talking to me about some personal things. He's not one to share his personal experiences with people so i felt pretty special that he was telling me these things.
      Then two weeks ago at one of our practices we were marching on an actual foot ball field instead of our band pad so none of our sets were marked. For most of our show he is next to or really close ot all of my sets, so when our director told us to run to a certian set he was all "McKensi, McKensi, where's my spot? Where is it?"when he was standing in his spot and he kept grabbing my sleeve and tugging on it. Later on our way back up to the band hall we were walking together and he was just being really nice and funny.
      He has also told me about how he can sing and play the guitar, I really want to hear him play but I have no idea how to ask him to play for me. Throught all last year he repeatedly called me a classy lady and just made me feels really special. He was also really protective of me.
      One week ago at the football game we were standing behind the bleachers waiting to march onto the field for our half time show and he kept tring to make the light reflecting off of his hat shine on my braces. When i found out what he was doing i coverd my mouth while tring not to laugh. Once I covered my mouth my my hand he said "No dont cover your braces. For some people they dont look good but for you they just enhance your cuteness" and he told me that he would write me a song about how I was beautiful and then he would sing me the james blunt song.
      This last friday we had no school because there was a parade and a fair that the band had to preform in. Duing the fair after the parade we hung out together the whole time with some other trumpets. When we were in line for lunch he went to a different booth because he wanted something different and i was standing in line with another trumpet talking to her when the guy i he came up behind me and got really close to my ear and made a scary noise and scared me.
      Later on our group found some other trumpets and started talking to them and I stood in the back by one of the game booths and one of the girls from our school that took pictures for the year book came up and pointed the camera at me and the guy i like ran over and stood right up next to me with our arms touching. After she took the picture he looked at me and said that he was glad that we took that picture together .
      Later our group went into the area with all the animals and they wanted to go hold the baby chicks. I didnt want to go hold them so he said he would wait outside the line with me. We looked around at some of the show animals that were on display and we found some balloons tied to a pole. He said he was gonna get me a balloon but our friends came out and wanted to leave before he could untie it so i told him not to worry about it.
      After we preformed in the fair he walked me back to my bus with just the two of us and we talked about random silly things.
      Later that night we were doing the Senior letterman jacket ceremony. After he got his jacket and the ceremony was done he came up and hugged me and it seemed like it lasted longer than a normal hug would. This year we were able to write letters to the seniors and the letters were put in the pockets of their jackets. When he found the letter I wrote him he came up and hugged me and told me that it meant a lot to him that I wrote him a letter. When we were waiting to march down to the football field for the game I was standing next to him and I told him that I would miss him once he graduated and he hugged me again and told me that i shouldnt worru because he would come back and visit me and only me, not anyone else. He brought up that he was still gonna write me that song that he was talking about the week before.
      That friday was one of the best days that I have had in a long time. But yesterday truned out pretty bad. We both knew that we were both going to this place for live music and local bands to preform saturday night. When i got there he didnt see me at first and walked out into the front lobby room and my other friend and i went into the preformance room to listen to the band that was playing. He walked back in and my friend said that he kept looking over at us but i was afraid to look up at him and I kinda blew it because after that he wouldnt look at me. That whole night I kept trying to make eye contact with him but everytime I would look up at him he would quickly look away and make a point to look everywhere but me. I never did get to say hi to him or anything last night and I know that I blew it when I didnt go and say hi to him when I had the chance.
      I know that this may sound weird but on friday night I had a dream whereI had told my crush and then he and I ended up together like as in a couple and I remember the date was October 1st like as in tomorrow. Then last night I had another dream where he had graduated and I had never told him how I felt about him and I missed out on something that could have been really special.
      I dont know what to do becuase I feel that if I don't do anything soon it may be too late and I will never get a chance to be with him. Sorry if its really unorganized and im sorry how long it is but I dont know what to do. Does it seem like he like me and if he does what do I do? Please I need help
    • Re: I don't know what to do. Does it seem like he likes me?

      it seems like on that one day he did seem to want to have excuses to talk to you which sounds to me like he is interested, from what ive seen before i think you are going to be one of those girls where he sees other girls as being hot but sees you as being a really nice and i would tll him how you feel because the worst that can happen is that he doesnt feel the same way which yes would be hurtful but if you dont tell him then you will never find out and it will be a shame if you both feel the same way and do nothing about it, sorry if this doesnt help but yeah :)
    • Re: I don't know what to do. Does it seem like he likes me?

      Lol Girl, Go for it. Don't just tell him you like him though. Ask him to hang out. Just the two of you. Then send him signals. You are a shy person and don't seem to send any his way when all he is doing is sending his to you in the most obvious ways he can think off to try and get a response. Ask him on a date. Then send some obvious and I mean OBVIOUS signals his way. If the date goes well then let him know you like him. The reason for the date is to see if he is really interested. If he agrees, make sure its clear it is a date. Say something like "its a date :)" when the plans are made. That will let him know that you are interested. If he agrees then you are pretty safe in telling him how you feel. There isn't a 100% chance he'll feel the same but finding out is way better than always wondering. And being alone takes away the social pressure of doing it in public but it still shows you cared enough to say it cause you did it in person. Good luck, I really hope it goes well. Let me know what happened :)
      For some great advice and some sweeet gameplay head over to my channel youtube.com/watch?v=sbdYQWbUvB8&feature=g-upl :)
    • Re: I don't know what to do. Does it seem like he likes me?

      Jesus Christ.. I actually read all of it. If all you said was true, I think you should have a talk with him. I was never as lucky as him, tell him I said he's lucky to have you. I mean, you remember all those things that happened between the two of you. I'm envious of him. lol.