What's the best course of action?

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    • What's the best course of action?

      Well I met her about 2 weeks ago, I gave her my name for Facebook, she added me, we talked, found out we're both equally weird and like the same stuff, so she asks if I wanna hang out. Of course I say yes, so we end up meeting each-other.

      I had no idea what to do or say, seeing as it was the first "date" I'd ever been on, but we actually got along quite well despite it. Then she made out with me and my brain malfunctioned so I started acting like a blabbering idiot, but it got better. All and all she seemed to like me. And I sure as hell like her back ;P

      After that, she contacts me via Facebook, asking if I wanna meet up again next week. And I say yes, but I'm busy so I can't. But I still message her that week, but I never get any response. Eventually I think she's ignoring me or something. Finaly I post something on her wall, turns out her PMs are all screwed up (she uses and old text-phone)

      Yet I still want to be able to talk to her more personally, maybe make plans for next week. The issue, however, is I feel like after not talking for a week we aren't quite as close? Maybe I'm just paranoid... What's the best course of action in this case?
    • Re: What's the best course of action?

      That's a very annoying coincidence about her PM's... Try and get her number so you can call her, and you'll be able to tell by her tone of voice and how well the conversation flows whether or not you want to see her again. Equally, she might be feeling the same way about you, you never know, in which case you're not really going to enjoy each other's company.
    • Re: What's the best course of action?

      Nah I don't think it's excessive, you're just showing interest. Give her a call, then after you've established whether you're seeing her or not wait for her to call if she wants. It's at that point that too much communication becomes obsessive but for now you're fine, unless she's genuinely not interested.
    • Re: What's the best course of action?

      I've always found the best thing to do is to call someone, even if she would rather text. Calling someone is more instant and you get responses instantly. If you do phone her and she picks up, ask her hows she's doing, tell her that you've tried to talk to her on Facebook but didn't have any luck and you just wanted to talk to her. After that you could ask her if she wants to do something next week, it's nothing out of the ordinary and it's probably your best bet