How To Survive High School?! (Urgent)

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    • How To Survive High School?! (Urgent)

      OK sooo.
      After being home schooled for 5 years, I've reentered the world of high school for senior year. Instead of my parents grading my assignments, I now have actual teachers.
      3 weeks in and I'm already is major shit. (Pardon my French.)
      My history teacher says I have a, "chip on my shoulder." I'm being threatened with expulsion due to being tardy like all the time. My English teacher is furious at me for cussing repeatedly. The Principal is already calling my parents. My home room teacher says I have an "inapproachable attitude," and that's why everyone is afraid to talk to me/sit near me.
      I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say something is seriously wrong with me.
      Point is, I just wanna graduate- it's senior year, I just gotta get through. Not worried about stellar grades, as long as I pass.

      I was a high school drop out for a bit, so I'm having to play catch up in all my classes.

      This is the tenth school I've attended so far since starting in kindergarten. I've been kicked out of seven previous schools.

      This is my last chance, if I get kicked out of this program there is literally no other option and my parents will most likely disown me. (Not exaggerating.)

      Particular Issues:

      Dress code- All shoes I own are heels. I don't even own shirts that don't show shoulder/cleavage. That's one thing they're always on me about.

      Writing- I express, "controversial opinions." Such as, I had to give a report, I did it on abortion, got in trouble. I had to write a parer, wrote in on religion, got i trouble. All for disturbing peace and being inappropriate, etc. (My teacher's a die hard Catholic and gave me an F on an otherwise perfect assignment for using the word "crappy.")

      Social Events- Dances, fund raisers, and senior class trips are required. I ditched on all of them. I work 6 days a week at my job as a waitress and take care of my baby sister. Both of my parents work full time jobs and I'm pretty much the one raising her. Don't have time for stupid social shit. I mean, "activities that will promote my social life."

      Holding My Tongue- When my health teacher said that using pills to cure mental sicknesses is a "weak way for people who don't really want to change," I stormed out of his classroom and have not attended since. (He shouldn't be allowed to say that kind of shit in the classroom, he's here to educate us, not share his personal ((dumbass)) opinion, right?!) I've had similar "feuds' with my ultra-conservative English teacher.

      Tomorrow is my first day on a behavioral contract. If I fuck up again, I'm gone.

      ANY advice you have is appreciated. <3

      Also, I probably sound like fucked up freak... but I'm not, I swear! (That's exactly what a fucked up freak would say, huh?) I just hate school and have never been able t go with the flow or blend in!
    • Re: How To Survive High School?! (Urgent)

      Hey, I know exactly what you are going through... I have super shitty grades too, and I'm a freshman. I'm failing English and my teacher always writes me up for leaning back on my chair like sorry bitch its a habit. My Social Studies teacher is always calling me out on late work in front of the whole class, and constantly emails my parents, even though I have an 89 in the class. I'm good in Jazz, Music Theory, and Band (because music is the only thing I care about), but I shit the bed in English, Biology, and S.S. My advice to you is swap schools or report the teachers and adults who are fucking you over. It isn't fair what they are doing, and they can't tell you whether or not you can or can't write about things that interest you. If I were you, I would try to stop cursing, always attend class, and buy some new shirts. The less trouble you get in, the more they'll they like you. Good luck!!!
    • Re: How To Survive High School?! (Urgent)

      Ok. First of all you sound like an amusing person. I think that will help you more than some grades. (In life) And so what if your parents disown you!? You seem capable of taking care of yourself. (AND a baby!) You should be fine. I KNOW graduating is your aim but mm... ok. Great. You graduate. Then what? You know. Job. Marriage. Sex. Baby. Coffin.:D
    • Re: How To Survive High School?! (Urgent)

      Basically you just need to chill out and just follow the rules. Public School isn't all that hard even if you just show up you can still get passing grades. Remember that if you want to go to a good college then it may be in your best interest to just do good and get good grades. It's hard, I know, but you need to set your priorities straight and plan for your future.
      [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Expect the unexpected. :angeldevil:
    • Re: How To Survive High School?! (Urgent)

      I know how its feel!
      But a good trick.

      Your home work.
      Stay at the school to you are finish, get help from the teachers, and after that go out at do sport! :o sport help your concentration, and its do you have a lot more control of your life, chill, dont get stress, and ask your parrents to help you a lot much :) yes, what more can help?

      Homework first, hobbys after :)
      Its your life, so i mean it.
      Give it a roach! :)

      And think about on, 5-10 years further in the future, did you maybe have any children, you can help to that :)
    • Re: How To Survive High School?! (Urgent)

      Just keep being yourself. Would you rather become somebody else simply to succeed and hate yourself, or would you rather fail out of school, and live a life of hard work to achieve your goals and acquire the things you desire all the while being true to yourself?

      To be honest, further education doesn't require you graduate from high school, if even an equivalent diploma. All they require is money. Sure, the more prestigious schools may be out of your reach, but high school does not decide the rest of your life. Only you can decide that, with hard grueling work.

      You work hard, you bleed hard, you live hard.
      A pair of powerful spectacles has sometimes sufficed to cure a person in love.
      [INDENT]Friedrich Neitzche
    • Re: How To Survive High School?! (Urgent)

      I know people like you. I'm homeschooled myself but for different reasons (no, not religious, I'm an atheist).

      Here's what I wish I could tell my friends like you:

      Don't be so touchy, don't be so mad all the time. It's fine to be opinionated, just don't push your opinions onto people who don't want to hear them. When you're with friends you can rant and get it out, the rest of time you are just trying to survive without being noticed. If you think other people are idiots (I know you do) try to always be the bigger person and apologize to them or whatever. If you fight back or argue you are giving them what you want. Just try to be happy, find your "happy place" or something or someone that you can think about when you start to get mad. Try to keep an open mind to most arguments, although you can put your foot down on a few.

      Hope that helps.