I love him, but my parents hate him. What do I do?

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    • I love him, but my parents hate him. What do I do?

      So, I dated this guy 3 years ago, we dated for 9 months. He broke up with me and I was heartbroken. We started talking again about a year ago and I really love him and he loves me. We want to be together but my parents HATE him (you don't understand how much they genuinely hate him) My mom refuses to let me see him same with my dad. Because he "hurt me"... That was middle school and I'm over it and I don't see why they won't get passed it. His family has no problem with us dating. They like the fact of us being together. He is also shy, so when I ask my mom why she hates him she says " He's too quiet" "He doesn't make eye contact" Which is absolute bull shit! He does make eye contact and he is shy. I feel like they are searching for reasons to hate him. They ask me why I want to be with him, I say he treats me well, he makes me laugh, and is his good to me. My mom say "Whenever you talk to him you become rude and disrespectful. I just don't understand. MY mom is very stubborn so I can't just say "I like him get over it" She would literally take everything away from me. PLEASE HELP ME! I need advice.
      [FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][SIZE="3"][/SIZE][/FONT] Sami
    • Re: I love him, but my parents hate him. What do I do?

      You have to understand that your parents are just looking out for you and they want you to find someone who will not mess you around like that. Why did he leave you in the first place? If you love someone, you don't leave them for some silly reason. I'm in a similar situation. My mum hates my ex and she won't let me even speak to him anymore. He came to my work and she had a go at me for just getting in his car to talk. It made me want to run back to him. My ex hopes to meet up soon for a meal (even though he doesn't really deserve my time) and I know my mum would go absolutely nuts on me if she knew. Near the end of our relationship, I had to lie about where I was or just walk out with no warning of where I was going so they wouldn't question. Though I'm sure if I chose to get back with him again after a long break up and I sat her down and told her that although the relationship was rough, we really can't be separated, we love each other, she would have to let me go back to him. She even cried at the thought of me ever going back to him, she was devastated so it was clear that she cared about me a lot.
      I believe you need to speak to your mum and say 'I need to make my own choices in life, take risks even if they result in heart ache and if I love someone, I should be able to be with them. It's clear we can't be away from each other. I've had time alone but I still come back to him.' Say stuff like that. Maybe even promise her that if he messes you about in any way that you will end it immediately and you will look for someone better. Reassure her. Any mum wants her child to mature, become their own person and they don't want to stop that development so remind her of that and say you need to make your own decisions.
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    • Re: I love him, but my parents hate him. What do I do?

      One of my exes, her guardians wouldn't let her date in general, but they didn't like me at all.
      They didn't like me because I wasn't Christian and go to a public school. They are pretty low people. But we went for it anyways. We dated, it was hard. I couldn't go over to her house, she had no freedom, had to lie about everything to see me occasionally. Bottom line, it wasn't very good. I was so in love with her, she broke it up, and now I'm over it. Took 7 months to get over her. Do I regret it? Maybe sometimes, but that's life.

      If you really want to try and see him, it won't be easy, might not be worth it. If he hurt you once, he'll probably do it again.