Does he like me?

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    • Does he like me?

      I'm homeschooled, and recently met this nice guy, who i have sorta developed a crush on. We were both invited to a b-day party for a mutual friend and he complimented me a few times, sat next to me, and we laughed a lot. I found him on facebook and friend requested him but didn't get it returned. Then there was a dance and he asked me to dance nearly every song, and we hung out the whole time. He acted sorta flirty, and I as well. The next day I messaged him on facebook, as i didn't know his email, saying it was nice dancing and I hoped to see him soon. He finally friended me, but otherwise no response. I would think if he was interested in me he would respond, but maybe I'm wrong? My mom asked his mom if he was going to a reoccurring event, but she said that he didn't want to drive that far(it was quite a distance). So I won't see him often if he dosen't go. I'd like to message him again and encourage him to go but I don't want to seem like a stalker. Sould I message him anyway or wait until next time I see him?
      P.s. my mom said she thought he had a crush on me, but does that mean anything?
    • Re: Does he like me?

      Hi there:).
      It really sounds like you're into this guy and it's great to see something that's innocent and, well, cute!
      In my opinion it does sound as if he likes you, and if he's complimented you, he must have some physical attraction to you, and liked your personality and sense of humor if you managed to share a good few laughs with him.

      I would try not to be too eager towards him, this can put guys off. I'm not suggesting we're all the same, but the eagerness could be see as almost being too serious too quickly, you should try waiting a bit, say a few days and then see if he sends you a message, but if he doesn't, then feel free to message him again!
      Also, you should take what your mum says into consideration. They can be irritating and silly sometimes, but heck, mine helped me out so much with some issues.

      Take care,
    • Re: Does he like me?

      Let's see,

      +1 The guys asks you to dance with him several times during an event.
      +1 The guy compliments you.
      -1 The guy doesn't respond on Facebook. (I know many guys who log onto Facebook once a month or so.

      Yes, there's a chance that he may like you, but you don't know for sure. I would say that you should message him, but not necessarily in order to encourage him to go to an event. Maybe message him wanting to make conversation with him, to understand him, and since he may not use Facebook much, possibly asking him for his number. It doesn't hurt to try does it? In the end with any outcome you can only learn from it. I'd say give it a shot. :)
    • Re: Does he like me?

      awanimal.lover wrote:

      I'm homeschooled, and recently met this nice guy, who i have sorta developed a crush on. We were both invited to a b-day party for a mutual friend and he complimented me a few times, sat next to me, and we laughed a lot. I found him on facebook and friend requested him but didn't get it returned. Then there was a dance and he asked me to dance nearly every song, and we hung out the whole time. He acted sorta flirty, and I as well. The next day I messaged him on facebook, as i didn't know his email, saying it was nice dancing and I hoped to see him soon. He finally friended me, but otherwise no response. I would think if he was interested in me he would respond, but maybe I'm wrong? My mom asked his mom if he was going to a reoccurring event, but she said that he didn't want to drive that far(it was quite a distance). So I won't see him often if he dosen't go. I'd like to message him again and encourage him to go but I don't want to seem like a stalker. Sould I message him anyway or wait until next time I see him?
      P.s. my mom said she thought he had a crush on me, but does that mean anything?
