I'm meeting my boyfriends parents and they still really like his ex, what do I do?

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    • I'm meeting my boyfriends parents and they still really like his ex, what do I do?

      My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a month now and he has already met my parents. He wanted me to meet his parents and I agreed to it. I'm supposed to go to church with his family and then to lunch afterwards tomorrow.
      He recently told me that he is a little worried about me meeting them because they still are constatly asking things about his ex and he didnt want me to feel uncomfertable. He asked if I still wanted to go meet them and I said that I still wanted to.
      Last night we had senior parent night for the seniors in our marching band at the highschool football game, and since hes a senior he went up with his parents and was regonized like all the other seniors. After the game we were talking in the band hall and he seemed upset about something. When I got a chance to talk to him alone I asked him what was wrong and he told me that his parents really upset him during the senior parent night. His ex girlfriend is a senior too and when they called her name his parents kept asking him why he broke up with her and just being rude about it. He told me that if they say anything while im with them tomorrow like that to try and just shrug it off but he would talk to them about it.
      He said that it seems like they have gotten worse since we have started dating so I'm not sure if that means that they still want him to date her and not me or if they wont like me because of that. I'm supposed to meet them all tomorrow and I'm not sure how to get them to like me if they are already resntful of me since my boyfriend is dating me and not his ex. What can I do to make them like me if they already hate me?
    • Re: I'm meeting my boyfriends parents and they still really like his ex, what do I do

      You have to prove to his parents that you are better than his ex in every way. You could possibly ask your boyfriend to friend out specifically why his parents liked his ex so much.

      Once you know what his parents like, and what made them like his ex you can use that to your advantage. Also, you need to be respectful, caring, smart, ect in front of his parents to show them that you are better than his last girlfriend.

      Parents just want the best for their children, so make sure they think you ARE the best for him.

      If you visit my website in the signature you can find "meeting the parents" under guy advice at the top. I have written an article on proper Body language & Attire and also Attitude & Impression if you would like to read up on some tips.

      Best of Luck
      Was my answer helpful? Check out my new site for more help!:love1:

      The post was edited 2 times, last by myteenagedream ().

    • Re: I'm meeting my boyfriends parents and they still really like his ex, what do I do

      Try your best to forget about the ex. Although it may seem like the parents hate you, they don't. It's nothing personal, they obviously liked your boyfriend's ex and are therefore upset he broke up with her, but being parents don't understand the full situation. When meeting them, just be yourself, and be nice, polite etc... You'll make a good impression and they should start to like you just as much as they liked his ex. If they don't, screw 'em, you're boyfriend chose you over his ex so that's all that matters