Need to break news to my father!

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    • Need to break news to my father!

      Hi everyone!

      Here's the main point of this post, so you know what you're reading :

      So I've decided I'm dropping out. But my issue is this - my father paid for me to be at that college. And I completely blew it. I wasted his money. It makes me feel ashamed.

      Now here's the story:

      Graduated high school this year. Did not have plans to go to college, but decided at the last minute that I should give it a shot at least. So I started at a community college as a Music Performance student.

      Another factor that ties in - I've gone in and out of a depression for a couple years. Been talked out of suicide, slowly getting better.

      Anyway, halfway through the semester I phased out. I realized that I didn't want to be there in the first place. I figured I'd finish the semester, but feeling low combined with my lack of drive to be there caused my marks to crash way down.

      Then I started feeling worse. And I started skipping classes. Then I'd skip whole days.

      It's been over two weeks since I'd attended class. I only go to one - which is a private guitar instruction - which I love. Playing the guitar is literally my whole life.

      So I've decided I'm dropping out. But my issue is this - my father paid for me to be at that college. And I completely blew it. It makes me feel ashamed.

      I should note: I'm 18, professional musician, guitar instructor. My dream is a career performing music and it's going really great so far. So I'm not upset about flunking out of college, I'm just upset about what I've done with my father's money and don't know how to break it to him.

      Thanks for your patience, guys.
    • Re: Need to break news to my father!

      Okay I see where you're coming from. First off, I think its supper uber fantastic that you've found a passion. You can grow on that while having fun and produce some really amazing works. Secondly, ya it might be hard to explain to your father. Most people from his generation believe that college is a job, well now they're just a piece of paper that many people have. If you can develop any skill, like guitar, then you can form it into something people want, and there's your job. You're only job is to follow your passion, and do what excites you. If you do that then I guarantee you money will not be an issue. Maybe you can try and explain that to your dad, but again, he was raised with much different beliefs, its a slim chance that he will "get it".
    • Re: Need to break news to my father!

      Hi there :)

      First off, sorry to hear about your situation. Being depressed sucks, coming from personal experience. I've done what you did - skip class and let my grades slip. Truth be told, its the reason why I have to go back to high school for another year, (don't worry, I'm doing awesome now ;)) lol..

      Firstly, how expensive was the tuition anyway? If you have a job, you can pay back your father the money so you don't feel so guilty. I'm sure, if he's the understanding type, that you can talk to him about the reason why you dropped out, seeing that this wasn't for you. This is a time of trial and error, so don't be too harsh on yourself.

      Secondly, did you drop the course yet? if you didn't I'd say stick with it. Even if it's not for you, i'm sure this course can benefit you in some way, if not now then maybe down the road. Your grades can still bounce back if the year is early, right? It'll just take a lot more dedication.

      I know you'll find your way :) Best of luck