Girlfriend's mom has cancer...

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    • Girlfriend's mom has cancer...

      Hello everyone,

      I'll just get on with it...
      So my girlfriend's mom just got diagnosed with cancer.
      This is horrible and of course I cannot imagine what she is going trough.. soooo there;s my problem...
      She is very distant now and I don't know what I should do... We haven't hung out together for a week now and i just don't know what to do...

      Also she already has some commitment issues, so that makes it even harder.
      Also we are both 16 and we are only together for a month now.
      We knew each other for a couple of years before we started dating but we were not very close, as I said she has commitment issues...

      So I hope someone has an idea for me on what to do!

      Thanks guys!

    • Re: Girlfriend's mom has cancer...

      Hey. That's pretty awful about your girlfriend's mum :/ sorry.
      But yeah, all you can do is be there for her. She probably wants some space, especially as she has commitment issues. Don't crowd her, just let her know that you're there if she ever wants to talk etc. I guess it's impossible to know what she's going through, so don't try and push her or crowd her. Obviously also don't blank her, but ygm. Space.
    • Re: Girlfriend's mom has cancer...

      Yea, it is a good idea to let her figure out how to cope. It's very difficult dealing with the serious family matters such as these, I know from experience. My best friends aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer, and we became almost strangers. Fortunately she was able to get treatment, and my friend slowly got back to his old self. Although in your case it is a relationship, it's still best to just let her know that you are there for her, and willing to talk to her any time.

      It's also a good idea to tell her everything will be alright, even though it may not be true, it's still comforting to hear someone you care about speak those words.

      Hope all turns out well for you.
      "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain