Dealing With A Bad Haircut

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    • Dealing With A Bad Haircut

      First things first, this entire “problem” is going to come across as very petty, and for that I apologize. I’m not an overly shallow human being…This has just been driving me mad for the past couple of months.

      I’m a freshman (in high school) and I’m stuck with one of the worst haircuts I’ve ever gotten. It seems that all of my peers promptly exited their awkward phases and got incredibly gorgeous just in time for high school…and me? Well…

      Towards the beginning of eighth grade, I had horrid blonde highlights and a shoulder-length bob. Bad idea. Anyway, February of last year, I was cast as Belle in the school production of Beauty and the Beast. This required me to dye my hair a reddish brown color. Our salon offered a cut-and-style deal, so I asked for some short layers starting at my shoulders (The once “bobbed” haircut had now grown to be a few inches past my shoulders.) The results were great. The style was pretty cute and easy to work with. I no longer had to straighten my hair. I simply blow-dried my hair for volume and straightened the layered ends if time allowed before school.

      Now, I’ve been redying my hair myself every 2 months since then just to touch up the roots. However, right before school started this year, my mom took me back to the salon to “touch up” my hairstyle that had started growing out and to get my hair dyed again by a professional. Unfortunately, we ended up with a different stylist, and to my dismay, she thinned out my entire head of hair instead of just the ends and turned my side bangs, which I was very fond of, into short, straight-across bangs. It was pretty bad.

      Long story short, I tried to make the best of it. I teased my hair, started using mousse, combed my bangs to the side when possible…But my hair still isn’t back to normal. I have to straighten my hair just to make it look vaguely presentable, because my naturally wavy hair doesn’t work well with the “scene” look the stylist wanted to create. My hair is now getting really damaged from the constant heat and product, and I’m feeling a bit helpless.

      Anyway, to give you guys an idea of how quickly my hair grows and of the styles I’m talking about, here’s me this past February right after getting my “Belle” haircut…(add "http" to the front of this and all links)



      Here I am in May of last year (3 months later; ignore the color difference…the lighting was strange) after my hair had grown out a bit…


      Here I am right after getting the horrid layered haircut in August…


      And here I am now (November). I’m holding up the longest layer of my hair as of right now, which isn’t anywhere close to the chin-length longest layer of my old cut. As you can see, however, my hair HAS grown a bit since the previous image...


      I guess what I’m asking is what should I do? Is there anyway I can speed up the growth of my hair or improve upon its current appearance? How long do you think it will take (based on the differences between these pictures taken over time) for it to grow back to the previous style (layers starting around the chin)? I’ve been messing around with different styles, and I currently use bobby pins to clip back the short top layer…


      I’m just uncomfortable. High school sucks enough, with my taking math classes with juniors and seniors, and I find myself agreeing with bullies a good amount of the time. I didn’t make the school play despite having the lead last year, and I was told by a friend that it was due to my “look”. Whenever I tell a friend that my hair looks bad “today”, I get a snide remark or a change of subject. I managed to start going out with with one of my best guy friends last year, and he broke up with me possibly due to my appearance. I’ve felt really depressed lately and I’m trying to do what I can… I don’t want to be gorgeous. I never was. I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin again, and really need advice. Once again, I’m sorry if this seems silly or petty. I just figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask for help.

    • Re: Dealing With A Bad Haircut

      It doesn't hurt to ask for help.
      First off, I need to say this: I'm not a fashion expert and I don't style my hair(I'd probably mess it up more than it already is). Nor am I a girl. But I am a freshman and I do have experience with taking math classes along with the seniors who don't get along with me. And of course being made fun of.

      It's not silly or petty to care about how we look. I know what it's like to be trapped with an appearance that doesn't match my personality, and I don't like it either. Personally I think that your hair is great, and if a guy didn't stay with you it was not your appearance or personality, it was probably him. Also, guys don't get in lasting relationships with girls entirely for looks. I mean, they help, but for situations in excess of a day, personality is the way to go.
      If change is what you want, you'll want advice from a girl. Maybe adding something in the title to that nature would help.
      The extent to which I can offer advice ends here, due to my general social ineptitude.

      P.S. I don't know if it's the same for girls and guys, but by taking their opinion to heart you're letting them decide how you look.
      If you can't change it, then try to worry less about appearance. If you say you don't look good, everyone, yourself included, will believe the same.

      let me know if this was any help

      and good luck.
      "motivational and/or inspiring quote"
      -well known boss status historical figure

      The post was edited 2 times, last by imagination ().

    • Re: Dealing With A Bad Haircut

      imagination wrote:

      It doesn't hurt to ask for help.
      First off, I need to say this: I'm not a fashion expert and I don't style my hair(I'd probably mess it up more than it already is). Nor am I a girl. But I am a freshman and I do have experience with taking math classes along with the seniors who don't get along with me. And of course being made fun of.

      It's not silly or petty to care about how we look. I know what it's like to be trapped with an appearance that doesn't match my personality, and I don't like it either. Personally I think that your hair is great, and if a guy didn't stay with you it was not your appearance or personality, it was probably him. Also, guys don't get in lasting relationships with girls entirely for looks. I mean, they help, but for situations in excess of a day, personality is the way to go.
      If change is what you want, you'll want advice from a girl. Maybe adding something in the title to that nature would help.
      The extent to which I can offer advice ends here, due to my general social ineptitude.

      P.S. I don't know if it's the same for girls and guys, but by taking their opinion to heart you're letting them decide how you look.
      If you can't change it, then try to worry less about appearance. If you say you don't look good, everyone, yourself included, will believe the same.

      let me know if this was any help

      and good luck.

      Exactly the point. Like him I am no fashion expert but you should ask for help to get what's most comfortable to you. You don't need to fake you're style or Anything, just do whatever fits.