Does my ex girlfriend still love me after almost 2 years?

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    • Does my ex girlfriend still love me after almost 2 years?

      I dated my ex for a little over a year from our freshman to sophomore years of high school. We broke up almost 2 years ago now, so we are both seniors in high school.

      Up until around 3 months ago, our relationship after the breakup was rocky as hell. We went from talking to not talking to talking again to being friends to not being friends and now friends again (Seriously, it was that complicated :P).

      Around 3 weeks ago I told my ex that I still loved her. She said okay, but she didn't want a relationship because she didnt want to commit everything and then split up in college. I asked her if she still wanted to be friends even if she knew I still loved her and she said yes, which I found a little odd because if she didnt like me, I dont see why she would still want to be friends with me.

      Anyways I've noticed that ever since I confessed my feelings to her, shes been acting a lot happier and nicer to me. Recently she got her acceptance letter from Columbia so obviously that's a good reason to be happy, but I still feel like for some reason she's a lot more positive around me. Now whenever she can give me a ride home, she texts me and asks me if I want a ride. Also, she's much more enthusiastic about hanging out with me compared to before. In fact, I'm about to go get food with her and play video games with her in a few hours :P

      Again, her sudden happiness might be caused by external factors, but I feel like something has changed since I told her how I felt. Does she still love me? And if she does, is there any way to show her that a relationship isn't such a bad idea after all?

      The post was edited 3 times, last by rlt13 ().

    • Re: Does my ex girlfriend still love me after almost 2 years?

      we broke up because she became super super busy in our sophomore year and i wasnt cool with the amount of time that she was devoting away from me. it was mostly my fault now that i think about it because i came off as too clingy and she couldnt take it