Dealing with Anger..

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    • Dealing with Anger..

      How do i deal with my anger, for my brothers whole life my family believe he has aspergus (or however you spell it) and sometimes, because he doesnt know how to deal with his anger neither, but hes more serious, he hits me and everything, and thats when i lash out, idk what to do anymore. I really need to know please, and i also have problems with attitude with parents.

    • Re: Dealing with Anger..

      Hey man,
      i think that there's no exact way for someone else to tell u how to control ur own emotions. It's just something u have to figure out by urself. I can probably give u some advice, u could do some sports, release of all the energy, or, how I do it, alt-rock, or any rock, any music actually,maybe playing an instrument, if u can, it always makes my stress go away, or just meditating with some zen tv or something.
      Idk man, try to figure it out with urself. Hope to have helped though.
    • Re: Dealing with Anger..

      Hey, i have anger issues as well, and i think the only thing that helped me with it (so far),
      is removing myself physically from the situation. literally leaving. and pretending nothing happened. otherwise your bound to lash out or be shouting in your head, which is a horrible feeling.
      hope i helped,
      do you think you can answer mine?