Annoying friend...

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    • Annoying friend...

      I suppose that this is kind of immature for a sixteen year old but it has been like this for years now so I really want some kind of advice. The thing is, I have this really annoying 'friend'. Basically she never leaves me alone!! I'm not even over reacting either... She is literally with me every single break time, lunch time and free period that she possibly can! It doesn't end at school either! She calls me most nights as well! It's come to the point that I'm just ignoring her calls and making up excuses etc.
      The whole thing is really starting to stress me out as she is always there when I'm trying to do some work in my free period's causing me to not get it done and, therefore having to do everything at home or stay later at school... When it comes up to my exams in January it is going to be even harder!
      The worst thing though, is that all what she ever talks about is the teachers and how they apparently think she's stalking them ohh and how everyone calls her fat and apparently hates her! It's not exactly the type of conversation you want to have everyday :/
      I don't know what to do... half of the time I really wonder why I'm even her friend...
    • Re: Annoying friend...

      Just tell her nicely that you enjoy your friendship, but that you'd also like some time to yourself. Maybe set aside time(s) when you can talk/hang out and limit it to then. Or if you're not really wanting to be her friend maybe you would just want to tell her that you don't enjoy talking about the topics she wants to talk about everyday so unless she has something else to talk about, perhaps she should give you some space.
    • Re: Annoying friend...

      Have you tried comfronting her about this? She probably doesn't realize that she's being overbearing. The way I see it, you have two options here. The first and probably the most unreasonable of the two options is to end the friendship. If she is really so distracting that you can't concentrate on your school work then you need to put an end to the friendship. But I would do, the more adult thing to do is to talk to her about this. Tell her that she can be a bit overwhelming at times. Tell her that it's hard for you to get your work done when she is constantly talking to you. But be polite, yet stern about it. Like I said before, she probably just doesn't realize that she's being a nuisance to you. Just talk through it and hopefully she'll chill out.