Dad trying to discourage me from going to university?

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    • Dad trying to discourage me from going to university?

      I have decided that I want to go to university. You would think a parent would be happy with this right? Their sixteen year old daughter deciding that university is in her future? Well my mum's accepting though says she will miss me - and of course I will miss her too! But my dilemna is that my dad keeps saying that I won't be able to go because of the fee's and I think he's hinting that I won't get good enough grades as well :( I feel that this a real lack of support! I mean for the money issue, you can get grants and loans which you pay back over time! And if he is hinting that I'm not smart enough then that is just mean and insulting... I try at school, especially now that I'm doing my A-levels! It's really annoying me because I'm seriously considering going to university but it's not right that my dad isn't being supportive! :(
      What do you all think? What should I do? :confused:
    • Re: Dad trying to discourage me from going to university?

      Look he probably loves you, and this is his subconscience talking. im taking that he didnt go uni,
      well thats says it all really. please please dont listen to him. i have teachers telling me im not smart enough as well as sly comments from all my family. even if i do get good predicted grades. ive been going through the same thing hunnie, just ignore it and just do it for you man! everyone has setbacks and these happen to be yours. whatever happens,
      in the future you will have your own life and make it happy
      do you think you can help me with my problem?
    • Re: Dad trying to discourage me from going to university?

      I'm sorry you're not getting the parental support necessary. Wanting to go to Uni is a fantastic thing, but be aware that going to Uni doesn't guarantee success, nor does not going to Uni guarantee failure. If you find that the fees are too expensive and Uni is out of reach you can always go for an apprenticeship which in many ways gives you an advantage when it comes to finding a job.

      Work hard to get the best grades you can for your AS Levels (I'm guessing you're Year 12; please forgive me if I'm mistaken), and maybe this will make your dad have a change of heart once you prove yourself. But really work hard. AS Levels are horrible. If you need advice on any of your subjects I'm currently in A2s and may be able to help you.
    • Re: Dad trying to discourage me from going to university?

      You should tell your dad that it's something you would like to do and that you feel he's holding you back; after considering if it's something you truly want and if you have good enough grades that is. You shouldn't let him hold you back. Show him you've truly thought about it and the debt you'd get in.
      My dad was trying to force me back into sixth form actually because he wanted me to be the high achiever but after a few heated discussions, I told him I couldn't do it any more, I didn't want to do it and now he's just accepted it. We went to a college open day for a course in animal management (which is equivalent to A levels anyway) and he was surprisingly supportive and excited about it. :)
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