Help please I have been waiting for his for so long!

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    • Help please I have been waiting for his for so long!

      It's a really long story but here's a brief summary! I have really liked this guy who I'm really good friends with for about 2 years. Then about a month ago he asked me to the school dance and I said yes then 2 weeks later he said that he likes me to me and he told my best friend and my other friend and my other guy friend I think he wanted me to find out. This was like 3 weeks ago though and nothing else has happened. People keep on telling him that he should that he should just ask me out and we would be so cute together but still nothing! People have told him I like them and that I said if he asked me I would say yes and I told him last year I like him. He keeps avoiding the subject aswell and anytime I ask about it he doesn't reply to me. I like him so incredibly much and I was thrilled when I found out he likes me but nothing has happened. I want to kiss him so much, his lips are amazing! Also he may or may not have overheard another girl say im out of his league and too pretty for him(though I don't think it's true). We are a perfect match! If you could just think of any ways I could get him to ask me out? I think he is worried about ruining our friendship if we break up he says he doesn't want to loose me! Is there anyways I could get him to kiss me aswell? And for when flirting playful unakward ways to break the touch barrier! Please I like him so much! Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!:) <3
    • Re: Help please I have been waiting for his for so long!

      No way to break the touch barrier is unawkward at this point, really. Honestly, the only way to keep it from being awkward is to establish touching from the start, so people just get used to you as a touchy person.

      You could high five, play footsies (subtly), give him hugs (no guy minds hugs).

      As for getting him to ask you out, you either tell him you like him yourself, or kiss him first or something, or just keep flirting and hope he mans up. You can drop him hints too, I guess; that's to your discretion.

      Although he probably takes anything anyone else says with a grain of salt; just because your friends tell him you like him doesn't mean you do from his perspective. So make sure you drop hints yourself. Guys can be hesitant; you should redirect him here so we can encourage him to ask you out (lol)
    • Re: Help please I have been waiting for his for so long!

      Hi, thank you! I think i will maybe try a subtle game of footsie today and I will him on Friday (we volunteer together at a youth club) I like him again! I'm actually mad for him! He is all I can think about all the time, I dream about him , I spend my spare time thinking about him and I just really want something to happen! Thanks for all your help :)
      Is there anyways or tips I could make him really want to kiss me? Or ways I could initiate a kiss? Thanks!
    • Re: Help please I have been waiting for his for so long!

      I don't think guys HAVE to be the one to ask a girl out or initiate a kiss...people just tend to assume that! You can always ask him to hangout just the two of you and I'm sure he would be happy with that... as for the kiss someone just has to go for it, it's hard to say. Just lean in close and let him finish, (if you have ever seen the movie Hitch... you go 90% let them go the last 10%) idk it sounds like it will work out in time so good luck!
    • Re: Help please I have been waiting for his for so long!

      Thanks guys!
      I will try not to over think anything! My best friend(who is also friends with him) is trying to get him to ask me out and I really hope it works. I guess I could always ask him to go to the cinema next weekend but what sort of movie should I suggest? What sort of movie do guys like?(though I hope we won't spend too much time watching)
      I will try to just be confident and go with it! I like him so much, I always think about him and I think my heart actually beats a bit faster when I'm near him. Yesterday at lunch our knees and the side of our knees were touching the whole time we were sitting together and they kept rubbing off each others but neither of us moved them. Is there maybe any tips you have to make him want me more?
      I will try to get him alone sometime.
      Thanks for you help!