Completely Confused...

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    • Completely Confused...

      I am completely new to all this boy stuff, and I have no clue what is going on...
      The boy I am currently crushing on is one of my closest friends. We both have similar likings, we have a lot in common, and we both have a good head on our shoulders and know how to respect somebody. He is honestly my everything. He is just completely perfect for me. Now, we've only texted for 7 weeks now (as of today) and we met only once. He lives right down the street from me, and since we both go to different schools - we don't see each other regularly. Over the past 7 weeks, I have noticed he's getting more relaxed and more honest with me. He has also called me beautiful, and has flirted with me on multiple occasions. Now on the first of December, I couldn't take it anymore - I HAD to tell him how I felt. I felt like everything was just making me depressed since I hadn't told him how I felt. I finally told him I liked him, and he said, "I had a hunch you did... :P" ... That was the end of the conversation. I was WILLING to explain myself and willing to tell him everything he wanted to know, but he didn't ask. He just changed the conversation to fruit we both enjoy. My friend wanted me to ask if he liked me back, and me being shy and scared (I didn't want to lose him after all - he is the nicest, sweetest, and amazing person ever....let alone my new close friend) I decided not to ask. The next morning, I told his best friend if he told him what I said that night, and he said no. (***Note: Im very close friends with his best fiend as well***) I told him what he said, and told him how my friend wanted to ask me if he liked me back and he said, "I know the answer to that..." I said I didn't want to know because I truly didn't care, and he said "He doesn't like you. I'm sorry." I was honestly a little hurt. But at the same time - I can start over and possibly make him fall for me ... I told the guy I like that I didn't want to make things awkward and how I didn't want to ruin our relationship because of what I had told him. He said it was okay, and I didn't and wouldn't make it awkward. Good, yes. But this is where I got REALLY confused.

      He flirted with me, and acted like he liked me.. Then tells his friend e doesn't like me even though his friend thought he liked me as well. He normally doesn't let his emotions out, and rather keep his thoughts to himself, and has never truly told anybody who he likes, so why did he tell his best friend he didn't..? If he still wants to hangout with me, and be friends (and only had that intended) then why did he send me mixed signals?? Is there something weird going on? Should I ask anything? I am completely confused and don't know what to do, or what everything means... Please help. I don't want to lose him.
    • Re: Completely Confused...

      Just stay in the friendzone. He might like you, he might not. Just because he told his friend he doesn't like you, doesn't mean it's true. But just because he's "flirting" (also known as being nice) doesn't mean he likes you. Just stay friends, if he likes you, he'll probably tell you, if he doesn't you'll still be friends.
      [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]People will hate you, rate you, shake you and break you. How strong you stand is what makes you. ♥
    • Re: Completely Confused...

      iTwieber wrote:

      Just stay in the friendzone. He might like you, he might not. Just because he told his friend he doesn't like you, doesn't mean it's true. But just because he's "flirting" (also known as being nice) doesn't mean he likes you. Just stay friends, if he likes you, he'll probably tell you, if he doesn't you'll still be friends.

      Like this guy said. Stay in the friendzone, it is your best option.
    • Re: Completely Confused...

      If he liked you, he would have done something about it. especially after you confessed your feelings for him.

      I know it's painful and hard to accept. But at the end of the day, there are plenty of other guys out there. Move on and enjoy your friendship with this guy.

      Flirting with someone doesn't necessarily mean you want to commit to a relationship with them. I know it hurts, I've been there, but at the end of the day your best bet is just to get over him, just continue being friends as you were before. I realsie this is hard to do when you still like him, so perhaps you may want to take some time/space to get over this guy.
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson [/SIZE][/CENTER]