Brother Emergency

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    • Brother Emergency

      My... Brother is..... okay let me just say it. My brother is in love with my sister. Can you believe that?! I tried to tell my parents but well.. They we're busy and I did give advice to my brother but he won't listen. My sister doesn't know that her own brother is in love with her. So, I need your help. This is an emergency. Thank you.
      If sadness ever comes, just remember who made you smile.
    • Re: Brother Emergency

      First question - are they siblings or half siblings/siblings with different parents due to divorce?
      And how certain are you that he is actually in love with her? Is it something he told you or are you simply suspecting it?
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    • Re: Brother Emergency

      Well first I dont think you should tell your parents, it would be embarrassing for him and well for me I wouldnt ever betray anyone. You could tell him that he will meet some other girl he will like someday and it shouldnt be his sister that he likes. But ofcourse I think he knows that himself too.

      And I also think that your sister wouldnt agree with having a relationship with your brother right? So then theres no problem.. he will get over it in time.
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    • Re: Brother Emergency

      You need to explain to him that it's not natural. Out of all the women in the world, he can't turn to someone he's related too! He needs to find a girlfriend.
      He probably just admires her and has confused sibling love for real love and obviously, she's female. I'm assuming he isn't around females very often. You should try and tell your parents if it gets out of hand. He's probably just going through a weird stage.
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