Long Distance Relationship

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    • Long Distance Relationship

      I have been dating this amazing girl since my tenth grade(2010). In July 2012, she got accepted to the law school of her dreams while I stayed back in my hometown to pursue engineering.
      We continued our relationship and we had the usual ups and downs that almost every long-distance relationship has. We made it a point to talk almost every day and Skype phone calls were made galore, as well.
      One day, she suddenly called me and said that this wasn't working out anymore and that we should probably think about our future. She claims that her law school schedule doesn't give her time for anything else and that she is leading another life there altogether.
      I really, really love her and I don't want to let go. But, she is extremely insistent that we should. We will be completing 3 years together in February 2013. I really don't know what went wrong and why she would like to end this. :(
    • Re: Long Distance Relationship

      How often do you actually see each other? Perhaps she misses the physical intimacy. Perhaps she has built a new life for herself in her law school and wants to grow up, throw herself into it. Long distance relationships are hard (I would know, I'm sort of in one) Was her call completely out of the blue or did she seem distant beforehand?

      At the end of the day, if she wants to move on, it can't have been going that well. You may not have noticed because, as you stayed at home your life is still very much there, and she would be a part of that life. For her, she's left that life behind, she's experiencing new things and maybe she doesn't want to continue a serious relationship in her old life when she's trying to build a new one for herself.

      That was badly worded, haha, but I have to go :L
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Long Distance Relationship

      Continuing my earlier point, I'm afraid you'll probably have to just let her go. I'm sorry - I know this is hard and it hurts. But before you give up, make her talk it through with you, ask her why and try and talk thinmgs out. She at least owes you an explanation
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Long Distance Relationship

      i hate brake ups. i no what feelings you got. One day is a love you, the next.... Tell her that if she leaves, their will be a gap in your life. or go to her, and surprise her. tell her "your the olny girl that keeps me going in life."
      "As in heaven as on Earth, we've been dead since our birth" -Hollywood Undead