Fat burning & Muscles.

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    • Fat burning & Muscles.

      Hey teens! FuckYeah. over here needing your help. It's been long since I logged in to the forums but hey I'm back. :) SO, my problem. I am 16 y.o., about 1.85m. and 85 kg. I'm fat. Like, Fat. I want you to help me make a diet plan in order to lose all the excessive weight and a gymnastics program in order to build up muscle. I've thought of like waking up at 6, have a 30-60 mins gym thingy, then a shower and at 7:50 be ready to leave for school. Because of the hustle and bustle of everyday life I don't have time to find a job because I'm focusing on my studies, therefore, no money for diet doctor dudes. Thanks so much to anyone willing to help! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a very very cheerful fuckin awesome New Year!
      P.S. I'm vegetarian. :)
    • Re: Fat burning & Muscles.

      You are not SO fat at all.
      I advice your running, jumping rope, doing some strength exercise (for big muscles in your body - google differnt kind if leg lifts, crunches, pushups, squats)
      As a veggie you already eat a lot of fruits and veggies I hope
      For muscles you'll need proteine
      Skip sugary drinks like coke, don't eat lot of pasta and bread (or eat it full grained)
      Drink lot of water
      Don't eat lot of sweets
      And don't eat a lot, even healthy food isn't healthy if you eat too much
    • Re: Fat burning & Muscles.

      ivaiva wrote:

      You are not SO fat at all.
      I advice your running, jumping rope, doing some strength exercise (for big muscles in your body - google differnt kind if leg lifts, crunches, pushups, squats)
      As a veggie you already eat a lot of fruits and veggies I hope
      For muscles you'll need proteine
      Skip sugary drinks like coke, don't eat lot of pasta and bread (or eat it full grained)
      Drink lot of water
      Don't eat lot of sweets
      And don't eat a lot, even healthy food isn't healthy if you eat too much

      i) Do you suggest me buying pills/medicine with protein? If yes, do you know any good and are there any side effects?
      ii)This is easy. I don't drink soft drinks either way (maybe once a week or so) and I can easily cut on pasta/bread.
      iii)Yes, I do. haha
      iv)That's my fucker. I am obsessed with sweets. When I'm home and I'm bored I would just go to the kitchen and start searching for sweets. I just can't resist them. And when I eat lunch I have to eat a sweet or I feel weird as fuck. For example, today I ate pasta with cheese and after that I had a small piece of pumkin pie. (well, that's one of the "good" sweets but it's one of the few times I didn't eat something like chocolate and shit.)
      Thanks for your reply! I will take everything under consideration! I need to make a daily plan with food/workout and studying because tests are on their way after the holidays! Season's Greetings!
    • Re: Fat burning & Muscles.

      So, as someone who is quite fit, I'll help out.
      The main thing to realize is that losing weight isn't about doing one thing or another, it's about changing your lifestyle.

      So let's start with food.
      For one thing, don't eat sweets. It's not that hard, once you stop your body will stop craving them. It's a bit psychological. Sweets will build up fat, and its hard fat to lose. A bit of sugar every now and then is alright but make sure it goes with other, healthy stuff. Fruit and vegetables are your best bet. Make sure you eat at least three servings of fruit a day, and at least two servings of vegetables. When you eat a full meal, make sure there is two portions of veggies to each portion of meat. Also, stick to lean meats. Steak and pork are full of carbs and will not thin you up. Eat lean grilled chicken breast and fish. Keep a eating schedule and follow it, don't snack throughout the day, eat at regular times and don't eat too much either. Bread too. Bread is full of empty carbs that do nothing for your body. Whole grain bread, however, is a lot better than white bread. Sandwiches with whole grain bread and lean meats are a healthy snack. If you don't eat any sort of meat then try and find some other way of getting protein. Make milkshakes after working out and sprinkle some protein powder in it.

      Now once you start with your new diet plan, you need to implement exercise into your day. I suggest go for a short jog in the morning or before bed, and slowly build up your stamina. Run faster and farther as you progress. Hit the gym too, make a gym schedule and follow it, exercise become addictive the more you do it. Figure out the muscles you want to build and read up on different exercises you can do. Most guys want abs, and they think that the secret to them is to do a ton of sit ups and crunches. Total bull. If you want nice abs you have to burn off the tricky layer of fat that hides them by doing high intensity workouts. Once that layer is gone, then go for ab exercises.

      Now, there isn't much more to it. Stick to it and you'll see results in as little as maybe even a couple weeks. People make loosing weight seem a lot harder than it really is.
      Best of luck!
    • Re: Fat burning & Muscles.

      Bhenji wrote:

      So, as someone who is quite fit, I'll help out.
      The main thing to realize is that losing weight isn't about doing one thing or another, it's about changing your lifestyle.

      So let's start with food.
      For one thing, don't eat sweets. It's not that hard, once you stop your body will stop craving them. It's a bit psychological. Sweets will build up fat, and its hard fat to lose. A bit of sugar every now and then is alright but make sure it goes with other, healthy stuff. Fruit and vegetables are your best bet. Make sure you eat at least three servings of fruit a day, and at least two servings of vegetables. When you eat a full meal, make sure there is two portions of veggies to each portion of meat. Also, stick to lean meats. Steak and pork are full of carbs and will not thin you up. Eat lean grilled chicken breast and fish. Keep a eating schedule and follow it, don't snack throughout the day, eat at regular times and don't eat too much either. Bread too. Bread is full of empty carbs that do nothing for your body. Whole grain bread, however, is a lot better than white bread. Sandwiches with whole grain bread and lean meats are a healthy snack. If you don't eat any sort of meat then try and find some other way of getting protein. Make milkshakes after working out and sprinkle some protein powder in it.

      Now once you start with your new diet plan, you need to implement exercise into your day. I suggest go for a short jog in the morning or before bed, and slowly build up your stamina. Run faster and farther as you progress. Hit the gym too, make a gym schedule and follow it, exercise become addictive the more you do it. Figure out the muscles you want to build and read up on different exercises you can do. Most guys want abs, and they think that the secret to them is to do a ton of sit ups and crunches. Total bull. If you want nice abs you have to burn off the tricky layer of fat that hides them by doing high intensity workouts. Once that layer is gone, then go for ab exercises.

      Now, there isn't much more to it. Stick to it and you'll see results in as little as maybe even a couple weeks. People make loosing weight seem a lot harder than it really is.
      Best of luck!

      Thanks so much for your reply dude! As a vegetarian I don't eat any sort of meat or fish in general but I consume soy which has high protein levels, I also eat eggs and dairy products so that's good, right? I will try and make a plan or something and post it on this thread! Thanks again for your reply! Happy New Year!
    • Re: Fat burning & Muscles.

      Fat is what I am becoming...I've been sitting around my drawing tablet for the last two months trying to finish my graphic novel and dude seriously my waist line has started to exapand. All that saturated fat is becoming to collect there. Gotta do something. The good thing is I just finished the first issue on Sunday.
      So I think I'll get outside for a few days and do some serious exercise before I strart on the second issue.
      Dude it's a never ending battle to stay healthy. But don't give up the fight!

      ---------- Post added at 02:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 AM ----------

      Don't give up the fight. I've been sitting around my drawing table for the last two months trying to finish the premier issue of my spy thriller graphic novel and so I have pretty much been inactive. The result is that all that saturated fat has been gathering around my waistline. Not not not gooood!!!!. The good thing is that I finish the first issue on Sunday and so now I am going to spend a few days to unwind and do some exercise before I hit the drawing board again for the second issue.
      Do give up the fight....the key is to stay healthy, it goes along way to affecting the mind. BTW welcome to 2013.
    • Re: Fat burning & Muscles.

      i) Do you suggest me buying pills/medicine with protein? If yes, do you know any good and are there any side effects? No, I don't advice you that. I think even a veggie person can have good amount of protein with balanced diet
      ii)This is easy. I don't drink soft drinks either way (maybe once a week or so) and I can easily cut on pasta/bread. Great.
      iii)Yes, I do. haha
      iv)That's my fucker. I am obsessed with sweets. When I'm home and I'm bored I would just go to the kitchen and start searching for sweets. I just can't resist them. And when I eat lunch I have to eat a sweet or I feel weird as fuck. I also eat sweets after every lunch, but it shouldn't be 3 pieces of cake or whole chocolate bar. Eat something, but not alot (for example 1-2 pieces of dark choco, or some fruit salad). Also don't eat when you are bored - you are not hungry, your body doesn't need food. Better exercise when you are bored, do few pushups, or go out and jog for 20 minutes

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ivaiva ().

    • Re: Fat burning & Muscles.

      ivaiva wrote:

      i) Do you suggest me buying pills/medicine with protein? If yes, do you know any good and are there any side effects? No, I don't advice you that. I think even a veggie person can have good amount of protein with balanced diet
      ii)This is easy. I don't drink soft drinks either way (maybe once a week or so) and I can easily cut on pasta/bread. Great.
      iii)Yes, I do. haha
      iv)That's my fucker. I am obsessed with sweets. When I'm home and I'm bored I would just go to the kitchen and start searching for sweets. I just can't resist them. And when I eat lunch I have to eat a sweet or I feel weird as fuck. I also eat sweets after every lunch, but it shouldn't be 3 pieces of cake or whole chocolate bar. Eat something, but not alot (for example 1-2 pieces of dark choco, or some fruit salad). Also don't eat when you are bored - you are not hungry, your body doesn't need food. Better exercise when you are bored, do few pushups, or go out and jog for 20 minutes

      Thanks for the suggestions! Ahh, the new year has just come and I am trying to organize everything and I am in a really fast pace. i am making my blog, studying for school, keeping an agenda and writing a book, i also have to plan this. ahhh. haha