Chest pains

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    • Chest pains

      Well, I've had this before, and it went away for a while but recently it's started again. They seem to occur at random, and last a few hours at least.
      On Christmas eve I started getting them again, sharp pressing pains just below my breast bone, along with the feeling I get in my tummy when I'm nervous.
      It gets worse just after I've eaten, or when I'm lying down.
      I've found that heavy breathing does not help, but shallow breathing, or holding my breath does help.
      It's really bad at night. I mean like I cant sleep, because it keeps waking me up, and it feels like I'm having a panic attack or something. Well, I do dream about my worst fears every night.
      Putting pressure on it helps, and lying face down is better than lying on my back.
      I don't smoke or anything, but my mum used to when I was a baby.
      I'm a teenager, so it can't be old age.
      Are chest pains a symptom of any blood borne diseases? I cut myself pretty much every day, and I've used razors that have been used by other people, so wouldn't that put me at risk or something?
      I don't like these chest pains and stuff. They're scary, and I haven't even told anybody.
      I don't want to tell my mum, and I have a huge phobia of doctors/hospitals/medical things, so I wan't to avoid taking a trip to the doctors.

      Does anyone think it's worth visiting my GP??
      Is it more likely to be a physical cause? Or just anxiety?
    • Re: Chest pains

      I think you should go to the doctor. No one really likes going, but it's your health we're talking about here. It's odd to me that people don't like going to the doctor, but as soon as something traumatic happens, they wish they would have gone. Chest pains aren't anything to play around with and it could be something serious. I'm not trying to scare you or anything, but it's real life and you need to take care of yourself, especially since you're so young. It's crazy that you haven't told your mom. Instead of going to your mother - someone who can definitely help you - you come to a forum and ask a bunch of people who you don't know about a possible medical problem. Does that seem at all odd to you? Think about how your mom would feel if something were wrong with you and you just dropped one day. She'd be devastated, especially if it were something that could be treated. This isn't a health forum and I doubt anyone here can pinpoint what's wrong with you. I don't mean to sound rude, but you really need to get this checked out. Be smart about it. Tell your mother so that she can take you to the doctor so that they can HELP you. It's the only way for you to find out what's absolutely wrong with you.
    • Re: Chest pains

      I agree with most of what Miss Scarlet said. Tell you mom and go to the Doctor. Chest pains can be serious so better safe than sorry. :)

      Also if it turn out to be stress related or if you just want to, PM me. I self-harm too and maybe we can chat.
      "I think you call me 'Sexy'." "Only when we're alone!" "We are alone." "Come on then, Sexy."
      ~I am the Doctor's Sexy