A lie at school.

    • A lie at school.

      Two days before the Christmas break started at my school, at lunch time, my friend came crying up to me. Her father is bipolar and he pushes her around a lot. At lunch, he picked her up to go to lunch with her, and they got into a fight in the car. He kicked her out of the car and she had to walk all the way back to school, where she didn't have lunch.

      It was the end of lunch and I saw her crying at her locker. The bell was about to ring and I saw her at her locker crying, and I had Drama. She was sobbing so hard, trying desperately to keep all of her tears inside, but it was impossible. I told her that I would comfort her until she could pull herself together. It's my first year at this new high school after moving. I have never skipped class before, and this was my first time. I thought that my teachers would understand because she was incredibly sad and I wasn't sure what else to do. I couldn't leave her alone crying in the hallway. So I skipped half a period.

      Once she pulled herself together, I brought her down to her class. She asked if I could have a late-slip, but her teacher told me that it was considered skipping, and she was unable to give me one. Dreading to go back to Drama, I left her at her class and went to go get my books.

      I've always hated my Drama class since I started school here. I have always been good at the class and I love my teacher, but it's the kids in my class. They all hate me. They're snobs and absolutely horrible. I tend to usually get ignored in the class or teased around. I'm not exactly sure why, considering I'm the new girl and no one knows anything about me. But moving on.

      I walked into class and went up to the teacher to tell her that I was with the student counselor, which I wasn't. I just couldn't admit to her that I had skipped class to stay with my friend. She said it was all okay and fine and I went through another class of drama.

      The next day, I had drama again. I walked into class and sat down, went through my notes, the usual. Halfway through the class, while everyone else was writing their journals about one of the performances a student had performed, I went up to go ask if I could go to the bathroom. She instantly said no. I was a little chilled, because she's my favorite teacher and she has never been so stern with me before. Then she asked me where I was yesterday, when I had missed half an hour of class. I told her that I was with the student counselor again. She told me that she had spoken with the student counselor, and asked if I was there, and the student counselor told her that I wasn't. I had no clue what to say or do and I got all red, and I kept insisting that I was there, to the point that I was nearly and tears, and I had gotten the whole class's attention. She then told me to go sit down and resume my work, and that she would speak to the student counselor again.

      I skipped the last day of school before the winter break because I was so scared of going to drama. I was scared that the student counselor would talk to me and she would call my parents again. (It's a long story, but let's just say I've been to the student's counselors office several times for issues at home.)

      I'm positive that my drama teacher nor the student counselor will have forgotten about this when I go back to school after next week, and I don't know what to say or what to tell them. I don't want to have to continue to lie, but I don't know if telling the truth is okay, because I don't want to get my friend in trouble with the student counselor. My friend specifically told me NOT to tell the student counselor about her troubles at home, and I'm stuck in the middle of this and I have no clue what to do. I've been up every night having intense anxiety attacks. I've been getting 5 hours of sleep every night at the maximum, and it's making studying for upcoming exams incredibly complicated. I don't know what to do or how to react to any of this, and it's driving me crazy and ruining my winter break.

      Help me.
    • Re: A lie at school.

      Tell the student councilor what's going on, but don't mention the name of your friend. Tell the councilor you promised you wouldn't tell them, but you don't know what else to do. The student councilor should understand and respect that you're trying to protect your friend's privacy, but at the same time, both of you need some help right now.

      If talking to the councilor without mentioning the friend's name still doesn't make you feel comfortable, find the teacher's number and call them before class starts up again. Explain the situation, again without naming names, and apologize for lying to her. At this point I think the teacher's more concerned about you lying about where you were than you missing class in the first place.
    • Re: A lie at school.

      dire wrote:

      Tell the student councilor what's going on, but don't mention the name of your friend. Tell the councilor you promised you wouldn't tell them, but you don't know what else to do. The student councilor should understand and respect that you're trying to protect your friend's privacy, but at the same time, both of you need some help right now.

      If talking to the councilor without mentioning the friend's name still doesn't make you feel comfortable, find the teacher's number and call them before class starts up again. Explain the situation, again without naming names, and apologize for lying to her. At this point I think the teacher's more concerned about you lying about where you were than you missing class in the first place.

    • Re: A lie at school.

      dire wrote:

      Tell the student councilor what's going on, but don't mention the name of your friend. Tell the councilor you promised you wouldn't tell them, but you don't know what else to do. The student councilor should understand and respect that you're trying to protect your friend's privacy, but at the same time, both of you need some help right now.

      If talking to the councilor without mentioning the friend's name still doesn't make you feel comfortable, find the teacher's number and call them before class starts up again. Explain the situation, again without naming names, and apologize for lying to her. At this point I think the teacher's more concerned about you lying about where you were than you missing class in the first place.

      I second dire's words. Nothing else to add.