Shes my crush but what can I do?

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    • Shes my crush but what can I do?

      I met this girl earlier this year. She rides my bus, right behind me, and is a sophomore. I am a freshman. we talk sometimes and for some odd reason, I feel really attracted to her. Shes not "my type" but she is cute. But there's a problem. I feel that shes pretty closed because if i text her, she usually doesn't reply, and if she does it starts upbeat but gets worse. We have a lot in common, as far as what we like and what we've been through. My main issue is that she has a bad past with her family, and her only good cousins are my friends who care for her. Her sisters hate me too. Usually, I would forget about her but, I have dreams of her, constantly. I mean I see her and I literally chase her. Twice, a door appeared in front of me and blocked me. But once, just once, I caught her:rolleyes:
      So I ask you this, what do I do? Do I keep trying to text or do I take a more aggressive stance. I could really use advice on getting a girl to start talking to me as well, like a text that cant be ignored, but isn't serious.

      Me. I got abused by my older brother constantly growing up. It only stopped recently. Her beat me, called me names, ruined relationships by saying and texting things. On one occasion he broke my arm. Yes, broke my left forearm to prove a point. I don't have many close friendds because I couldnt invite them over with him around. Through all of this, he causes my parents to snap at me because he has to say something to them. I am only now coming out of my shell and opening up to a world that doesnt care. My relationships before usually end in dispair because a friend backstabs me and tries stealling her, says something that makes me sound like a creep, Or, and this is the worst, my brother gets in the way and makes it impossible to have her. I'm confident in myself despite it all but I think im overly cautious and thinking to much. Right now I only have eyes for her and no one can ruin it for me so, advice before I try pulling us both into happiness.

      Thanks to anyone who read:love1:
    • Re: Shes my crush but what can I do?

      i think you should attempt to talk to your crush on the bus or try walk near her and purposely bump into her or something- signals like this will show her that your interested in her. you could even like drop your phone or something on the bus next to her and tell her to give it to you and then start a conversation.. make sure you complement her or even give her a complement in a text but not too cheesy.
    • Re: Shes my crush but what can I do?

      being cautious is a good thing, more people need a dose of reality to their decision making process; but don't let anxiety and over thinking ruin you, it won't help trust me(someone with 4 anxiety disorders and depressive). try looking up some ways to handle your anxiety better, google is a man's best friend.

      but with this seems like you have already had your chance and missed the mark. some people just aren't compatible with each other or one party just isn't interested. yes it's sad, but it's the truth. there is no way that you can send a text that she can't ignore; if she is not open then try to move on.

      as hard as it is. put yourself out there and get talking to people. build up a strong social life, and getting that girl will be as easy as breathing in time.

      for future reference. try to keep your text conversations short and sweet, if your going to have text conversations at all. so that they stop before getting boring or you running out of steam.

      try to limit the amount of time you talk to her until you guys have been in a relationship for sometime. show her that you have a life, better things to do, and that you are the one to be chased. no one likes a clingy dude chasing after them. only text her to plan outings or to get that weekly update.

      you have been through some rough stuff. i wish you the best of luck! if you want more information you can PM me
    • Re: Shes my crush but what can I do?

      simply just say what you like about her at the moment.
      "i like your hair like that"
      that shade of lipstick looks great on you"
      " you look great"
      "you look cute today"
      keep it simple, but also don't shower her in compliments; make your interest known and then make her "work for more". don't become any girl's walking ego boost. that's how guys get put in the friendzone
    • Re: Shes my crush but what can I do?

      I think we may be on two different levels. See she likes to talk but for some reason, the text just doesn't fall through and I give more personal complements. Like how strong she is for having to go through what she has. Should it be more shallow? Anyways I want to be more involve in texting because I don't see her for long on the bus and more friends usually end up offending her, but playfully. So I usually don't get too much of a chance to talk. That's why I like to text
    • Re: Shes my crush but what can I do?

      in person is way more effective than through text, what you can do on the bus is just get involved and make yourself stand out to her in the situation.

      those type of compliments you are describing are good but are more of a thing a close friend or confidant would say. not a potential mate. some are good but not too much.

      the more "shallow" compliments highlight your interest in her without coming off as cliche or cheesy.
    • Re: Shes my crush but what can I do?

      I would still like text input for this girl . I fully understand you and what your saying about talking but I only see her every other day for 30 minutes at the moment. She also texts me then stops goes MIA after I respond. But thank you for your advice. Also, elaborate on "missing my mark?"
    • Re: Shes my crush but what can I do?

      a lot of girls do that. usually it's that they are preoccupied and couldn't be bothered to message back because the conversation wasn't that great anyway.

      but missing your mark. well girls can sum up a guy very quickly, usually in the first couple minutes of meeting you if you are dating/hooking up with/ material. if you have been making advances and she hasn't been taking the bait within a pretty small window of time, say a couple weeks at most than she has most likely made her decision.