Do you use Linux or Windows?

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    • Starlord wrote:

      I've used windows since forever and still dont understand why specialists claim that linux is so much superior :ninja2:
      A lot of it depends on what you're doing. If you speak to people who had to work with Windows prior to Windows/XP they may well tell stories of things crashing or frequently needing to re-start the PC to get things working. This was mostly due to Microsoft having bodged a multi-tasking and windowing system on top of an old OS, MS-DOS, that wasn't designed for it.

      Since Windows/XP, Windows have been a reasonable operating system. A couple of drawbacks come to mind, though..

      Windows update - it's incredible slow. Microsoft have tried to make it less intrusive by doing when you're not using the PC, including when you shut it down, but really they should make it more efficient. Doing the equivalent on Linux takes about 30 seconds and leaves the machine usable while it works.

      Microsoft also seem to work with the PC manufacturers to "take advantage of" the facilities the new PCs have to offer. That means newer versions of Windows don't run so well on older PCs so people end up having to get new PCs even though the old ones work fine, just not fast enough for the latest version of Windows.

      The annoying thing for many, of course, is that people aren't so much interested in operating systems, they just want to run applications. Tinkering with new UIs and the like doesn't necessarily do anything useful for most PC users. All we really need from those who write operating systems is to fix the bugs, especially the security holes.