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    • [INDENT] So there's this girl I like at school and recently I've been thinking about her like crazy, can't get her out of my head. But the problem is that she is one year ahead of me and if I don't act and do something before the summer exams, I'll have the next year to regret it. Plus I don't even know if she notices me...

      I want to talk to her and get to know her, but I have no idea on how to approach this seeing as we don't attend the same classes (being shy definitely isn't helping here). I really wanna make the right impression on her, but how can I even get to talk to her? It's beginning to frustate me and I'm truly at a loss. I sit here writing this with an unpleasant feeling in my stomach thinking only bad things can emerge from this. I obviously don't want to give up, yet it seems like another one of those hopeless love stories which always end with grief. If you think it would be for the best if I let it go, don't hesistate to write it. It's driving me nuts and I seem unfocused and unable to think straight at times. Thank you for reading and I hope you can give me some useful advice.

    • I'll be completely honest with you, I'm in a very similar situation. I'm just too darn shy to approach them, and its biting me in the butt.

      I realized you just have to grow some balls and make a move somehow. Regardless of what it is, you have to do something. Talk to her in the hall or at lunch or something. Don't be too obvious or make a really drastic move, but even getting her number is a big step.

      If you have her on facebook, try talking to her on that. It's definitely easier and less awkward at first saying it on a computer, where you have more time to reply and don't have to worry about blushing or anything. Then next time you see her in person you'll have something already to talk about to get things going.

      I was in a very similar position as I too am shy, but that's how I would approach it in your situation. It's basically now or never. Make the move before you spend your whole life regretting it.
    • If it's really bothering you that much, you just just get up the never to talk to her however you can as soon as you can. and if it doesn't work out it better you get it over with as soon as possible. Look at it this way, if you act now and it works out then you have that much more time with her, and if it doesn't then you have that much more time to find someone else :)
      [CENTER]And in no way is it worth
      Losing everything I am including these words

    • You know what? You need a situation.
      An example: In the hallway, when she's passing by, you intendedly dropped your books on purpose. Pray hard that she'll help, then use the opportunity to make a self-introduction.

      Eye contact is always the first step. It's like telling her "HELLO I'M HERE".

      What I said above is probably what you normally witness in movies and you probably find it cliché, but as I said, it's just an example.

      Another way would be to know her through a friend. Oh, btw, you sure she's single?
      "You use your heart as a weapon, and it hurts like Heaven."