Boyfriends mom won't let us be alone?

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    • Boyfriends mom won't let us be alone?

      We're 17. We have been together for almost four months. My mom is never home because she's always working, so he always comes over. My mom doesn't have a problem with it. Besides, we really don't do anything we shouldn't be doing. Well now all of a sudden his mom doesn't trust him alone with me. I would understand where she was coming from if we just started dating, or if we were 13 or 14. But we're not, and we're responsible.

      I have other problems with her, like he works every single week night sometimes until midnight, and she makes him give her all his paychecks. She makes him work the flee market on Sundays with her (7:00 AM to 5:00 PM) and he's in advanced classes. The most responsible kid I know. I think he deserves her trust, but she won't budge. And being the good person he is, he won't lie to her about my mom not being home, lol. Now I can hardly see him except school. She is being ridiculous, like she always is, and I want to know if anyone's had similar experiences? How did it turn out? Or how can we convince her to let him come over again? :confused:
    • Re: Boyfriends mom won't let us be alone?

      I have a similar problem. however kind of worse since she won't even reveal to her parents that she is dating someone.
      but anyway, you need to convince him to tell his mom off. he needs to earn her respect and stand up for himself. he is nearing the age of majority(18) and should be allowed to be alone with his girlfriend.

      I don't understand these parents who have these illusions of what young adults should and shouldn't do. He is not a kid. he is 17. he can join the military, almost gamble, father a child, go to college, yet he can't be alone with is girlfriend to do what he pleases? bullshit.
    • Re: Boyfriends mom won't let us be alone?

      Ask if you can do something in public to try and ease her to let you guys do stuff. Try bowling first? She might let you be alone for that?
      Lets [COLOR="Red"]Rocket[/COLOR]!

      Heather;1063056508 wrote:

      One of the best members.

      Best Friend;1063065528 wrote:

      You are the best member.
    • Re: Boyfriends mom won't let us be alone?

      endgame wrote:

      I have a similar problem. however kind of worse since she won't even reveal to her parents that she is dating someone.

      Obviously not to endgame, but I'm kinda the girl in that equation ATM. O.o
      "I think you call me 'Sexy'." "Only when we're alone!" "We are alone." "Come on then, Sexy."
      ~I am the Doctor's Sexy
    • Re: Boyfriends mom won't let us be alone?

      wtf made you mad?

      I'm saying, what your girl is putting you through, I'm putting my guy through due to the awkwardness of telling my parent(s). I hardly know how posting once is 'going on about' something. ;)
      "I think you call me 'Sexy'." "Only when we're alone!" "We are alone." "Come on then, Sexy."
      ~I am the Doctor's Sexy
    • Re: Boyfriends mom won't let us be alone?

      TheDoctor'sSexy wrote:

      wtf made you mad?

      I'm saying, what your girl is putting you through, I'm putting my guy through due to the awkwardness of telling my parent(s). I hardly know how posting once is 'going on about' something. ;)

      oh i see, i didn't know what you were getting at, that's why i said it. people here (where i live) say that when they don't know what you're talking about
    • Re: Boyfriends mom won't let us be alone?

      Maybe it is not her choice and is her sons. But I am coming from the Mothers side of this I am a mother myself. I would do whatever it took to make sure that my daughter didn't take the path I ended up on. So if that means she can't be alone with her boyfriend in my house than so be it... that doesn't mean they won't find time alone I am 21 not that much older i found ways around not being allowed to not have alone time and I'm pretty sure everybody else has too. If my daughter ended up knocked up at least I would have the peace of mind that it didn't happen in my house. It might be his choice but his mother in the end is looking out for him. Is it really that wrong that he has a mother that cares so much about his future that she is willing to be the "Bad Guy" I don't think so but that is just my opinion

      The post was edited 1 time, last by laney ().

    • Re: Boyfriends mom won't let us be alone?

      I think it's pretty ridiculous she won't let her seventeen year old son be alone with a girl. I mean really, it's time to get off the tit.

      I don't think anything will change unless your boyfriend is willing to step up and be assertive and persistent enough with his mom to get something done! At least some sort of compromise... Maybe she will ease up some after a while if y'all are serious about each other and y'all stay together long term. She can't be like that forever!