Consequences for flirting?

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    • Consequences for flirting?

      This is a question that I have been asking myself lately. (This is all rhetorical, I have never flirted with anyone nor has my girlfriend during our relationship.....I think. I'm just simply curious)

      If I caught my girlfriend flirting with some random guy, would I break up with her? That would seem like an excessive choice, but now that I know she has flirted with one guy, how do I know she hasn't done it before or won't do it again? And if she can flirt so easily then who is to say she won't take it a step further than just flirting? This is now the paranoia in my head that will run through it for our relationship.

      People say a little flirting is harmless, but I know for a fact that I would not like it if I caught my girl flirting with another man. I'm not going to say that I am perfect, but I do try to stay out of flirtatious situations because I know that my girl wouldn't like it (saying I have a girlfriend if someone saying is blatantly flirting or saying sexual things to me).

      Does anyone have any insight on this? What are the consequences for flirting and what action(s) would be taken so it doesn't happen again? Any personal situations you have gone through?
    • Re: Consequences for flirting?

      I think sometimes, people have a flirty personality and this can lead them to being flirtatious with other people. I do think, to a degree trust should be established within a relationship and therefore if I were in a situation like the one above I'd simply ask her. However I'd hopefully know her well enough to know if she would be like that.

      I think sometimes flirting is fine as long as you know the person your with and you know pretty much that they wouldn't cheat on you. I could see it if its excessive then maybe it might be a problem.

      Plus you've got to understand that you can misread the situation as well. So I personally wouldn't be as quick to judge and think about dumping her. At first I'd maybe talk to her and then take it from their.
    • Re: Consequences for flirting?

      It would would discourage flirting in anyway possible for my girlfriend and other dudes. Flirting is signifying that you are interested in that person and testing the waters, even though it doesn't move farther than that most of the time, the intent is still there and I find it very uncomfortable when she is supposed to be in an exclusive relationship.
    • Re: Consequences for flirting?

      It's easy to slip up sometimes. I think a little flirting is harmless and sometimes can be misconstrued as something more serious than it should be. Some people take it as being friendly, while others might take it as full-on flirting. And how you are feeling is totally understandable and completely normal. Because you're right, who is to say it can't be taken further than that? But again, it's all about trust. If you talked to her about it, then that's all you can do. Breaking up over something like this seems to be overdoing it.

      But give her the benefit of the doubt. If you expressed your concerns to her already then hopefully things can move along.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]

      The post was edited 3 times, last by armyforthebroken ().

    • Re: Consequences for flirting?

      Vercelletto wrote:

      would seem like an excessive choice, but now that I know she has flirted with one guy, how do I know she hasn't done it before or won't do it again? And if she can flirt so easily then who is to say she won't take it a step further than just flirting?

      How o you know even if you didn't see her?
      I mean, you can assume she's having sex with other people, or you can decide not to think that. Seeing or not seeing her flirting really means nothing (it means only she flirted that one time). Nothing more.
    • Re: Consequences for flirting?

      I appreciate all of the comments and remarks by everyone, but I would like to make one thing clear. This IS NOT a personal story, I don't need help with my girlfriend flirting because she hasn't been flirting (to my knowledge). I am just simply curious to see what people would do if THEIR girlfriend or boyfriend were flirting with other people
    • Re: Consequences for flirting?

      I wouldn't have a problem with it as long as it wasen't like "Hey baby I want to see you naked" kind of flirting. And everybody has their own way of flirting and sometimes people flirt without realizing they did because it is so in their nature to be friendly and fun that they don't think about it. So i think harmless flirting is okay