Beloved insecurities

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    • Beloved insecurities

      I fell in love again. I fell so fast and hit the ground running, I've known him just over 2 months, he's already helped me kick smoking meth and redefined my life, a knight of lifes silver lining. My last boyfriend, kevin, I never met in real life, he was 26, I loved him more then I thought I could love anyone but he never came to see me, stint after stint in mental wards and coke, meth, heroin binge after binge he remained a phantom of text. Two years we were together before I left him for My Beloved, it was so heart breaking, his name is still tattooed on my wrist. I fell to My Beloved for support, Kevin was the entirety of my support system and My Beloved rushed to fill the void as he left my life. I now live with him, we spend every waking minute together and fall asleep in eachothers arms at night, he drives me to my foster home every night so they dont report me missing, and drives me right back to his apartment downtown after theyve seen my face. I'm only alone when I lock the bathroom door, when i go out for a smoke, we are addicted to eachother and it's starting to feel unhealthy. He's twenty seven, I am fifteen, and we both have our mental traumas, I am diagnosed with post trauamtic stress disorder and there are more then one of me inside my body (my case) and he nurtures and love them all but when he leaves I crumple worse then I have ever before, I cant be alone for more then an hour, I've abandoned all my friends, I go nowhere without him and he gets upset when I try to leave. All day we smoke pot, He buys a new ounce every week or so, he buys me smokes every time I run out, clothes food, restaurnts, a new phone, he'll blow a hundred bucks in one store then move to the next for me and he expects nothing in return, I rely on him for everything everyday, and it's starting to make me feel unhealthy, vetted, like a sick child in a hospital, yet still loved and soothed, like my life is a perfect dream. I'm scared, I feel like I'm going to wake up eventually and realise we were a mistake, and fall to pieces the minute hes not there. If he stops loving me or I see a side I can't handle, how do I support myself? How do I secure myself again? I feel like theres no going back, I have to make this work or I'm ruiend, I feel pressured, anxiou, it's ruining me... help?
    • Re: Beloved insecurities

      imchamp wrote:

      Shouldn't this be in the self-harm, suicide thread. LOL

      Really imchamp, that's insensitive. Give the girl some respect. She's going through a lot. This post could fall in either the love and dating forum or the self-harm, suicide forum.... it was her choice and she put it in this one.

      Hey Ashtray, I read your post last night, but I haven't got time to respond to it quite yet. Keep hanging in there, and pay no mind to the rude people on this forum. :) I'll try and get back to you soon.
      - Ghukek
    • Re: Beloved insecurities

      Ghukek wrote:

      Really imchamp, that's insensitive. Give the girl some respect. She's going through a lot. This post could fall in either the love and dating forum or the self-harm, suicide forum.... it was her choice and she put it in this one.

      Hey Ashtray, I read your post last night, but I haven't got time to respond to it quite yet. Keep hanging in there, and pay no mind to the rude people on this forum. :) I'll try and get back to you soon.

      It was a joke you idiot and besides where do usually posts with meth, coke and other drugs go to. Anyway I don't get the point of posting this in a teenforum. She should see a Psychologists and ask him.
    • Re: Beloved insecurities

      Sounds like you've been through a lot. I'm not sure what advice to give you, as I've never been in a situation like yours. However I'd say this relationship you have is unhealthy. Whilst this guy dotes on you and buys you so much and looks afeter you, it seems especially as he is an older guy he provides the parental support you seem never to have had, to be looked after, he gives you that sense of being able to be a dependant child that you missed out on. However, it seems like it's all getting a little heavy. I suggest you make some friends, friends your own age, take some time out. Time for you to be yourself and develop yourself rather than develop into being one half of a pair. Learn how to live for yourself, how to be more self-sufficient. Engaging in some new activities on your own, making some friends your own age may give you some more confidence. That's the best I've got.
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson [/SIZE][/CENTER]