Being really shy and dating....

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    • Being really shy and dating....

      Hi... I'm shy around people I don't know. It's how I always have been, though since high school started I've been getting better at social skills.

      A little background information on my dating life... I've had a boyfriend since 8th grade, until mid 9th grade. We were even Homecoming representatives. I'm sensitive so it affected me a lot, plus we had the same circle of friends so it was awkward as well. He cheated on me twice. I've gotten over him.

      To the point, I've been signed up for Theatre arts because I left a spot on my schedule sheet from last year blank. It's a small school, so most of the people in there I already know. There's this guy in there, (let's call him Gage.), he was assigned at the same table as me. He's a Junior and I'm a Sophomore. I knew who he was but only from seeing him in the hallways, but we small talked and I had a crush on him. That was our only class and he got his schedule changed.

      I've gotten really close to Gage's best friend, Justin, since the beginning of the year, so I would also see Gage occasionally due to our mutual friend. A month ago, Justin texted me saying Gage wanted my number.

      I've been texting Gage everyday for a month... but I'm so shy when I have a crush on a guy so I can't even think of what to say to him :( our conversations always run short because I don't reply. He's always started the conversation. He likes me back, too. He told me and mutual friends have told me. He's different than me, but so was my last boyfriend and we got along well. Gage parties, plays sports, and is social. He even brought me to one of his parties for a few hours last week. We talked a little, I met his family, sat by the fire, he taught me beer pong (I didn't drink), then I had to go home. I was shy the entire time :( He knows I am though, I have no idea why he likes me. I don't understand why he won't get someone more outgoing and prettier. :confused::confused:

      It's not that I don't like him, I'm crazy for him! I just don't know what to say :/ I'm scared if I go out with him and he will lose interest.

      - How can I open up to him?
      - What can we text/talk about?
      - How can I keep him interested in me?

      No one's probably going to read this :( But if you did and you replied, thank you so much ❤❤❤
    • Re: Being really shy and dating....

      kellyprincess wrote:

      Just be yourself hun. Even if that person is shy. It will all come naturally after a while just spend more time with him and try and push yourself to just be a little more confident each time you talk.

      Well said kelly. I totally agree with you. It's better to be yourself never get changed according to conditions. Always be original. The opposite person will be familiar with you after a specific amount of time which he may require to adjust with you or in this new conditions.
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    • Re: Being really shy and dating....

      Agree with above posts too. Just do what you normally do around your friends, talk about any random stuff you can think off and after a few times you wont be that shy anymore.
      Maybe just ask him things or talk about his interests, or talk about yours.
      [CENTER]It's the missing that will kill you,
      knowing you've missed your shot.
    • Re: Being really shy and dating....

      LilyAna wrote:

      - How can I open up to him?
      - What can we text/talk about?
      - How can I keep him interested in me?

      1. Well, since you're a shy person by nature, you don't really have to "open" up to him. Just be natural, see how it goes along and continue being friendly. Don't be hostile that's all.

      2. Any hobbies or interest. You have the privilege of being a girl. It's usually the guy who has to be more initiative, think of topics, keep the conversation going etc. Of course, maybe you can talk about common interests for instance, sports, movies, songs, books, hobbies, games (if you have any knowledge in them). Many guys like girls who play games or like technology, I know I do. It doesn't have to be hardcore.

      I would encourage you both to talk face to face, with eye contact (once if a while if you're shy). Body language is extremely informative. From his tone and expression you would also be able to know whether your conversation is going in the right direction and whether he's still interested. And maybe, your shyness attracts him, so that's more "useful" in real situations.

      3. I reckon he does not know much about you as a person now, so I would say that he's still highly interested in you, because you're mysterious to him in a way. So be who you are and see how it goes. You'll know in time whether he's the right guy for you and vice versa.
      "You use your heart as a weapon, and it hurts like Heaven."