I miss her so much

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    • I miss her so much

      A good couple of months ago I was seeing this girl and I was really mad about her but I never asked her out... I messed things up a little bit by getting with another girl at a party while I was seeing her still and since then we feel apart... We haven't properly talked since like the start of January but I really really miss her... I sit next to her in a lesson at college and I'm finding it really hard to let go

      I just regret so much... Not asking her to be my girlfriend, getting with this other girl and mostly not even saying sorry to her or showing her that I care. She was the first girl thats been a combination of a best friend and someone I really like and I let her slip away

      Please give me advice? I want to say that I can just move on but part of me knows that I would take her back in a heartbeat, but I just don't know :S
    • Re: I miss her so much

      it all takes time to get over an ex/person you loved
      it was difficult for me. a few months ago i was in your very position
      well i can understand how you still feel about her
      you love her and all i can clearly understand that but sometimes its best to move on
      you/her whoever screwed up. and obviously it was fate that did that so obviously you two werent meant to be. just try to let go. dont be clingy or show any signs of affection towards her as it may chase her away.
      but if you really want to resolve things try and talk to her and get a better understanding of her feelings and where she stands
      maybe you both feel the same way about eachother
      its always better to talk to you can get things out of the way and be honest with one another
      [FONT="Tahoma"]Keep Calm And Love Minions <3[/FONT]
    • Re: I miss her so much

      Honestly I am the girl in this situation. My best guy friend I was head over heels for him... And we weren't dating but we were in the "seeing each other stage." On my birthday at my birthday party he ended up leaving with another girl... I was so mad I couldn't talk to him for the longest time. But about a month later he apologized and we got over it and became best friends. He now regrets ever doing it because well he lost me to another guy who knew what he had the instant he met me... So I would just tell her your an ass and stupid and that you would like to at least fix the friendship between you two because you really miss it.