Pedophilia Is Normal

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    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      SeductivePain wrote:

      Wait what?! Whoa! Sorry for all the exclamation's but man you really should seek help. I agree with Andrew on that. I'm not trying to offend and before you go repping me down or messaging me or quoting me do note I'm just stating that I think your sick and wrong,that's all I'm saying so take me and my complaint with a grain of salt.

      lol relax, did you actually think I stalk adolescent girls in my pick up truck? I don't even own one. this was just to attract attention and responses to the thread.but i wont take away from the fact that i probably am a sick individual.
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      Lazzledazzle wrote:

      a lot of girls dress that way to get the attention of older guys. :blush: But calling it pedophilia is a bit harsh... isn't there a better word for it? Like, if you got thrown in jail just for being attracted to some 14 year old girls, you'd have to lock up every guy I know :wink: It's very different from having sex with kids X(

      I'm not calling it pedophilia, I don't think that it's what it is.
      You don't get thrown in jail for being attracted to children, either, you get thrown in jail for acting on it.
      I mentioned the 14 year olds because the OP said that it's normal because of the wish to mate early with someone young - and I said that the youngest that can have offspring is not a prepubescent child, so it's not pedophilia. It's a different thing, it's called Ephebophilia, but I do think that's normal because of the way they look today. They are teens, but look a lot older so the attraction to them isn't really unnatural or abnormal. It's expected. Not something you should act on, but normal.
      However, actual pedohpilia isn't normal and there's no logical explanation for it - prepubescent children can not have offspring yet so there's no attraction based on that.
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]He holds me in his big arms
      Drunk and I am seeing stars
      This is all I think of

    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      fatal Intentions wrote:

      lol relax, did you actually think I stalk adolescent girls in my pick up truck? I don't even own one. this was just to attract attention and responses to the thread.but i wont take away from the fact that i probably am a sick individual.

      u dont use ur truck
      u said u hid in trees & looked thru windows
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    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      Ehh it was normal at a time, but than again humping goats, having more than one wife, and incest were normal too. I think the main reasons for all of these going taboo is health related and ethical issues. . Even though girls hit puberty their body isn't fully ready to bear children until they are about 16. I don't think there is anything wrong with being attracted to younger generations but if you act on it than yeah it's wrong.
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      laney wrote:

      Ehh it was normal at a time, but than again humping goats, having more than one wife, and incest were normal too. I think the main reasons for all of these going taboo is health related and ethical issues. . Even though girls hit puberty their body isn't fully ready to bear children until they are about 16. I don't think there is anything wrong with being attracted to younger generations but if you act on it than yeah it's wrong.

      interesting point,although I think you misunderstood that Hebephilia is a product of evolution.The same can not be said for humping goats or homosexual hebephilia(or homosexuality in general) but I believe can be said about polygamy.As far as incest goes, cousin marriages are common even today,well known people such Albert Eisenstein and Charles Darwin married their cousins,but this is just a little tidbit for ya.
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      wow this thread is getting interesting, I like to thank ALL of you guys for contributing.
      maybe I'll open a different one on polygamy???

      ---------- Post added at 02:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 AM ----------

      Gloria wrote:

      Having more than one wife (or husband for that matter) could be pretty interesting.
      Why isn't that normal today? :(

      In many parts of the world it is.
    • Re: Pedophilia Is Normal

      Well, I'm just going to go ahead and say... *gets ready to receive the hate* (cant wait for all the fun PMs and visitor messages...) I have an attraction to minors. I always have. It's just a thing. I can't say its normal, but it is normal for me, and quite a few (shocking amount) people I know. This isn't so much towards the OP but towards all the people who are shipping a boatload of hate to anyone who is a pedophile. I never chose to have pedophilic tendencies. I never asked to be attracted to Lolicon and Shotacon anime-porn. But, yes, I am. Do I feel an attraction for real-life minors? Yes. I feel like I can freely speak for a vast majority of the 'pedo' population (based on MANY MANY MANY polls) that most people with pedophilia hate the thought of molestation. Many pedophiles feel ashamed and sick that they feel the way they do. -TONS- of people with pedophilia including myself hate the idea of molesting children or doing anything sexual to a minor. This is a very widely held position. Many feel an attraction, but insist they would never act on it. I used to spend quite a lot of time with minors and I never even once thought of sexual activity with them, and once again I'm quite sure I speak for many pedos when I say that. Pedos are often grouped together with child molesters, and it simply isn't the same thing. Its the difference between being frustrated with your coworkers and actually shooting them. Hey, when I hear about some motherfucker who raped and beat a 8 year old, I want to drag him into a soundproof room just as much as the next guy- so don't start lumping everyone into a big basket of hate.
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