Can i help not being depressed?

    • Can i help not being depressed?

      Ok so basically my life is shit.
      1. I'm having mega health problems
      2. My uncle i a mega ass to me and loves making me sad
      3. I might get cancer within the next year
      4. I'm loosing one of my best friends (not the one i have feelings for)
      5. My mom is getting married to a asshole that is really mean, and hes a drunk (trust me he drinks every day from 9am til the time he goes to bed)

      and now people in my family say that theres no reason to be depressed. Now if you had all this shit going on in your life tell me would you be depressed?? :(
      [CENTER]don't think i'm crazy when i tell you this, but if you ever hurt me i'll fucking kill you :lol:[/CENTER]
    • Re: Can i help not being depressed?

      I would be depressed, yes.

      But, I have problems.
      1. My cutting is still going strong and getting worse.
      2. My weight problems are getting worse.
      3. I won't eat anything and it's causing weakness.
      4. I have infection in my chest walls.
      5. My mum is single mum and is having problems with my father paying.
      6. I'm getting jobs because she needs more money.
      7. I'm trying to remain in high school due to the drama and social problems.
      8. I take six different pills for depression, acid reflex, anger management and my infection.
      9. My mum wants to move out of my grandparents house and get her own, so I have to help with that.
      10. My best friend/brother is dying of cancer.

      But more about you. You're gonna have problems. And I'm sorry your health isn't going so well. But you need to forget about that and just live life. Because you don't know what's going to happen if you do retreat with cancer.

      It's your mum's choice to marry whoever she likes. Maybe she will see he isn't the best for her, who knows. But support your mum. Because I'm sure she supported you with things she didn't really like or have any say in.