I miss this girl so much should I tell her?

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    • I miss this girl so much should I tell her?

      So a few days before my 14th birthday I met these Australians which are part of my
      Step Mums family so I won't be able to see them most the time as I live at my
      Mums. Their was a Mum a Dad this boy and a little girl and a girl my age who is
      being fostered. I have never had a girlfriend and I have struggled to speak around
      girls. Me my little brother my Dad, Maisie, Ronan and Tia (the one I like) all
      went to laser quest for a bit of fun. Just before we started she said can I go
      with you but I just came out with 'just split up' as I always have struggled to
      talk to girls and didn't know what to say. We played laser quest but we didn't
      really talk or anything. 2 days later it was my birthday and Me, my Step Mum my
      Dad and my little brother met up with the Australians to go to the zoo. we all
      payed and went in. I like doing photography so I had my DSLR and Tia had borrowed her Foster Dads DSLR
      because she just liked taking photos for fun. She started taking photos of me and
      I asked why and she said was seeing how many pictures she could get of me so every
      time she tried to take a photo I put my hands up to my face. Then she put the
      camera up at me again so I put mine up at her and we both took a photo at the same
      time but we couldn't see each overs faces as we were both looking through the
      viewfinder We were trying to take ohotos of eachover for the rest of the day and
      in total she got 3 with my face in and I got 3 with her face in. We hung out for
      the whole day but I didn't really know what to say. Later on after a couple of
      hours of being home we went to this restaurant called Frankie's and Benny's I sat
      next to my Dad with a space next to me which I think my Dad planned as he new I
      was friends with Tia and he knew that she would want to sit next to me and I would
      want to sit next to her. When they came which was a little late because that's
      what Australians are like she came and sat straight next to me which I was happy
      with. She had drawn me a drawing for my birthday as she had nothing else to give
      me and I have kept it and it is under my bed now as I don't want my Mum to see it
      and wonder where I got it from or why I am keeping it. I couldn't really eat my
      food as I was ill and had not much appetite but I tried. I had so much fun even
      though I couldn't eat my food. Me and Tia were constantly messing around and
      laughing and she was half sitting on my chair as I discovered when I pulled my
      chair out to go to the toilet lol and she hugged me alot. By the end of the night
      she hugged me again as I got into the car. I think she likes me but I know I definetly
      liked her. I knew that will be the last time I would see here for a while. That
      night I couldn't stop thinking about Tia and the next morning I had to go home. I
      have been home for 1 and a half days and I haven't stopped thinking about Tia and
      I miss her so bad. When I found out she was at my Dads house today I just wished I
      could be their but I needed to spend some birthday time with my Mum's side of the
      family before I go back to school on Monday. I have tried to have fun and I have
      had fun but I am constantly thinking about Tia and how much I miss her and how
      sad I am I miss her and that I just want to be with her. I think she likes me and I am going to buy an Xbox 360 slim
      just so I can stay in contact with her. I am not sure if she has a phone or
      Facebook or Skype or anything but I know she has Xbox when she goes back to
      Australia. I don't know if she is allowed Facebook or anything because she is fostered but her Foster
      brother is but he's not fostered. I haven't told anyone I love her yet and I'm not sure if she likes me but I think she does. I
      know she can't come to England again as she is fostered and that was her only
      time she could. She is in England and Wales and France for another 2 weeks but I won't be
      able to see her. My Dad asked me if I want to go to Australia sometime to see them and I said that I would like to come but he is worried that my Mum won't let me come on holiday with him for a month. I'm struggling without her and I am not sure if I should and how I should tell Tia that I miss her :(. Sorry it was a bit long but any help would be great. I'm not even sure if its alright to love somebody from step family that is fostered and may soon be adopted :P

      The post was edited 1 time, last by MrPewDead ().

    • Re: I miss this girl so much should I tell her?

      That is so similar to a situation I'm in!!!!
      As much as it hurts so much, it'll hurt more if you don't let go. Keep in touch with her but don't keep her on a leash, you and her will have different relationships but maybe one say fate will bring you together. It's a perfect love story:')
      Really though, just remember how much fun you've had together and don't let it bring you down. Because I know from experience once you let it get to you, it's really hard to let go of.
    • Re: I miss this girl so much should I tell her?

      laurenclydex wrote:

      That is so similar to a situation I'm in!!!!
      As much as it hurts so much, it'll hurt more if you don't let go. Keep in touch with her but don't keep her on a leash, you and her will have different relationships but maybe one say fate will bring you together. It's a perfect love story:')
      Really though, just remember how much fun you've had together and don't let it bring you down. Because I know from experience once you let it get to you, it's really hard to let go of.

      Thanks for taking the time to read this Lauren and thanks for the advice.